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RE: *TRUE STORY* How To End A Relationship - ADVICE NEEDED

in #relationship7 years ago

Hey Anomiej,
Thank you for the reply, much appreciated, To answer your points:

  1. I have addressed this with her, and while the change has improved, there are still signs where she is behaving differently. I can see she is making a real effort, but I can also feel that the change may only be temporary and for the short- term.

  2. I know exactly what she expects and that she wants kids. Letting others take care of the children is in her culture. I just feel that she may not be strong enough as a woman to be able to handle the challenges of raising a child.

  3. She knows exactly what I want, and in those exact words as well. I know this is something that she wants as well. I feel this has now come down to cultural differences, between my culture and her culture, where my parents will not accept being with someone of another nationality. Yet do I give the pen of my life to those who care about me most - my family - or do I write my own life using the pen?


Hmm so I guess there are at least 2 problems due to your culture difference:

  1. Between you and her and how you want to raise your kids

  2. Betwen her and her family, puttting you in a very tough spot. It is very weird for me to see some cultures reject other cultures so hardly just because they are from a different counrty but you made it pretty clear tht your parents won't accept her...

Even if I were your best friend and knew everything about the situation, I don't feel like I would allow myself to tell you what to do... I can only empathise, and wish you the best.

I appreciate your empathy anomiej, thank you for your warm words and show of support