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RE: *TRUE STORY* How To End A Relationship - ADVICE NEEDED

in #relationship7 years ago

Sorry for your situation man... Clearly your relationship is something built over time that can't be explained and detailed enough in a single post: the truth is only you can decide, since you have the most information compared to all of us here. Some points that could help:

  1. You mention how she has interacted differently lately. If she has changed to the point of making you miserable or even just uncomfortarble, that is a problem. You should at the minimum address it; if you already have and nothing has changed... that wouldn't be a great sign for future problems, would it?

  2. Do you know exactly what she expects from this relationship? Does she really want kids? is it in her culture to let others take care of the children? it is not clear to me from your post.

  3. Does she know what you want? Have you told her exactly those words: "A Loving Family, pure happiness, loving children, a loving wife. THIS IS ALL I WANT!"
    From what I'm reading, you are feeling like that this is not possible with her; if this is just your impression and you haven't discussed it, you absolutely should. If you already have and she told you you can't have that with her, then once again it is up to you to ask yourself, how much are you willing to compromise on the one thing you truly care about.


Hey Anomiej,
Thank you for the reply, much appreciated, To answer your points:

  1. I have addressed this with her, and while the change has improved, there are still signs where she is behaving differently. I can see she is making a real effort, but I can also feel that the change may only be temporary and for the short- term.

  2. I know exactly what she expects and that she wants kids. Letting others take care of the children is in her culture. I just feel that she may not be strong enough as a woman to be able to handle the challenges of raising a child.

  3. She knows exactly what I want, and in those exact words as well. I know this is something that she wants as well. I feel this has now come down to cultural differences, between my culture and her culture, where my parents will not accept being with someone of another nationality. Yet do I give the pen of my life to those who care about me most - my family - or do I write my own life using the pen?

Hmm so I guess there are at least 2 problems due to your culture difference:

  1. Between you and her and how you want to raise your kids

  2. Betwen her and her family, puttting you in a very tough spot. It is very weird for me to see some cultures reject other cultures so hardly just because they are from a different counrty but you made it pretty clear tht your parents won't accept her...

Even if I were your best friend and knew everything about the situation, I don't feel like I would allow myself to tell you what to do... I can only empathise, and wish you the best.

I appreciate your empathy anomiej, thank you for your warm words and show of support