Prey for Dawn

in #writing3 years ago

Wow, it's almost been a full month since my last blog. I've been super busy during this time writing and editing, getting into car accidents, taking vacations, and, oh, work.

Last I left you; I had submitted my novel to a publishing company, Breaking Rules Publishing. Today, I am proud to announce that my novel Prey for Dawn was accepted to be published by BRP and is in the process of being formatted. I never believed this would be possible for my novel published by a publisher. I also have started a dedicated author web page and updated my Twitter and Facebook accounts.


Here is an example of the cover for Prey for Dawn. Yes, it is a horror novel. I am currently researching the best ways to market Prey for Dawn. If you have any ideas, please link them below.

In other news, I just submitted a short story to a publisher, and it's copyrighted already titled The Fence. I may need to send this to multiple publishers or put a book together of short stories myself if it's not picked up.

I am also busy editing another book I wrote while completing another. In the meantime, when a release date for Prey for Dawn is given to me, I'll be sure to let you all know.