30 Days of Gratitude - Day 27

in #writing7 years ago

Today I am grateful for sad situations, harsh truths, failed relationships, deadends, and hope from everlasting to everlasting.


Write down 5 things for which you are grateful ...
every day for 30 days.

Tell 1 person why you are grateful they are in your life ...
every day for 30 days.

Good things will happen!

It's that simple.
Do this every day for 30 days ... & I promise your life will never be the same!

I want 100 people to join me in the Gratitude Challenge over the next 90 days.
That's 100 people x (expressing gratitude to) 30 people = 3000 positive messages

Imagine what a difference that will make in our little corner of the world!
We will start a ripple of gratitude ... that will turn into a tidal wave of positivity!