Today's Ukraine War "Rebel" DPR E. Basurin's situational Report

in #ukrain7 years ago

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TODAYS SITUATIONAL SUMMARY from Ukraine War "Rebel" Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) E. Basurin. January 21, 2018

"For the current day, the situation on the contact line continued to be tense.

Mariupol direction.
The enemy released TWENTY-ONE 122-mm artillery shell, FORTY FIVE mines caliber of 120 and 82 mm, and fired from small arms and grenade launchers on KULIKOVO, LENINSKIY, KOMINTERNOVO disctricts.

Donetsk direction.
Enemy fired forty four mines caliber of 120 and 82 mm, and also fired from small arms fire and grenade launchers by the airport districts and on the area of ZHABICHEVO and VESELOE villages.

Gorlovka direction.
On the area of ​​the village Zaitsevo enemy fired from the arms of the BMP and grenade launchers.

In just 24 hours the enemy violated the announced ceasefire eleven time.

We continue to record the up -build of the forces and means of the AFU. Our reconnaissance received a data about the arrival of two columns of equipment to Mariupol from Kherson region. Columns consist of a 56th separate motorized infantry brigade and two battalions.

The first column consisted of brigade artillery group units under the command of war criminal S. Zhirunov. The second column is headed by the Deputy Commander - Gerasimenko D.D.

I would like to notice that Gerasimenko D.D. was already mentioned by us as a war criminal when he was in command of the separate infantry battalion "Khortitsa".This brigade repeatedly took part in the shelling of civilian settlements in the Mariupol direction and is involved in a large number of victims among peaceful citizens of our republic.

Also, we have received data on the preparations for the complex training of air defense units and units in the ATO zone from January 21 to January 30, with the development of issues of detection, tracking and conditional destruction of air targets. To ensure training, it is planned to attract air force planes of Ukraine.

I would like to remind you that, according to the Minsk Agreements, the use of aviation is prohibited in the 30-kilometer zone along the entire contact line.

We do not exclude that under the cover of conducting this training, the destruction of the aircraft can be carried out for the subsequent accusation of this in our Armed Forces.

We warn that our air defense weapons will be used against enemy aircraft only if it violates our air borders.

In the continuation of the subject of aviation: our reconnaissance received data that Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance units located in the so-called " "ATO"refuse to use unmanned aerial vehicles "Spectator-M". The reason for the refusal of use is that the first Ukrainian drones are absolutely unprotected even from the simplest means of electronic warfare, which are in the arsenal of the DNP, and are systematically put out of action."

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Is this a recently renewed offensive? Or has it been pretty consistent since the signing of the alleged cease-fire?

Apologies from America. We didn't intentionally vote for this.

It is normaly up and down like this but every year when it gets very cold the war really gets hot. Tomorrow will be -20 so we will see

I can't speak for America, but from an American, I do not approve of any aggression against peaceful peoples wishing to live in peace and harmony with other peoples. I am hoping to understand from your posts why this conflict exists. MSM tells us that the seperatists are loyal to communism and Putin. MSM tries to paint Putin as the enemy of America. I don't believe Putin to be a really good guy but I also don't see him as a true enemy. Is this conflict about territorial rights which enable the flow of natural resources to and from large Weastern markets?

I think its about western banks wanting title to future tax revenue (rather than Russian banks). The inconvenient reality to such imperialism is that sometimes civilians are already there. Previously whole nations were butchered (Armenia, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay...all lost 50+% of their citizens), but now with the interwebs it doesn't really work anymore.

Press on Patrick! Its hard for us to realize that our desires for consistent relative wealth means a country needs to be digested every year. Maybe one day we'll stop, I don't know.

Full explanation is here from the murderous architect himself:

IMI- Analysis – Understanding the Grand Chessboard – Leading German Think Tank
IMI-Analyse 2009/013, in: IMI/DFG-VK: Kein Frieden mit der NATO
Imperial Geopolitics: Ukraine, Georgia and the New Cold War between NATO and Russia
von: Martin Hantke | Veröffentlicht am: 1. Januar 2009
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Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand current and future U.S., EU and NATO policy. Over ten years ago the former National Security Advisor gave a graphic description of the imperatives of imperial geopolitics. He argued that the U.S.A.’s position of supremacy should be preserved under all circumstances. To this end NATO, acting as a “bridgehead” of the U.S.A., should expand into Eurasia and take control of geostrategically important regions so as to prevent Russia’s resurgence as a powerful political force.

Brzezinski had in mind two countries or regions in particular: “Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire. Russia without Ukraine can still strive for imperial status, but it would then become a predominantly Asian imperial state, more likely to be drawn into debilitating conflicts with aroused Central Asians, who would then be supported by their fellow Islamic states to the south.” “However, if Moscow regains control over Ukraine, with its 52 million people and major resources as well as access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.”1 Brzezinski argued further that there was an imperative need to gain control of the southern Caucasus, i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, on Russia’s southern flank. The past master of U.S. geopolitics set out the aim and purpose of NATO policy with impressive clarity: “The United States and the NATO countries – while sparing Russia’s self-esteem to the extent possible, but nevertheless firmly and consistently – are destroying the geopolitical foundations which could, at least in theory, allow Russia to hope to acquire the status as the number two power in world politics that belonged to the Soviet Union.

In the years that followed, these words were systematically put into political practice with NATO taking its eastward expansion right up to Moscow’s borders. Furthermore, active Western support for the “colourful revolutions” in Georgia (2003) and Ukraine (2004) led to the sitting pro-Russian or neutral governments and presidents being ousted by pro-Western candidates.

Russia regarded NATO’s policy as crossing the “red line”. As the war between Russia and Georgia in the summer of 2008 showed, Russia is no longer prepared to stand idly by in the face of further attempts at expansion. Nevertheless, the Western military alliance is doggedly pursuing its escalation policy, in which Ukraine and Georgia are now being offered NATO membership as a means of safeguarding the “successes” that have been scored. U.S. President Barack Obama is also in favour of these two countries joining NATO.4 The announcement that Michael McFaul, a hardliner on policy towards Moscow, is to be appointed senior director for Russian affairs at the National Security Council gives little cause for hope that Washington under its new president will abandon its aggressive, anti-Russian policy. This amounts to tacit acceptance that the New Cold War between NATO and Russia, invoked so frequently of late, will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Just wondering if you have met up with or know Graham Phillips from the UK - he's been reporting there for some time now

Yes we worked together 2014-2016