The Travel Bug has Bitten Again - South-East Asia here we come!!

in #travel6 years ago

As most of my regular readers are aware, I love to travel. After getting back from a lengthy trip around the USA I have been having holiday-itis and itching to plan another trip. As it has also been a few years since we visited South-East Asia we decided that should be our target area to visit.

I can now confirm that I just booked another trip away over the Christmas break.........

Here is our itinerary:Australia to Singapore:

We are stopping in Singapore on the way over to spend some time in this vibrant city as we have never visited here before. I have great things about Singapore even though it can be quite expensive to visit.


Singapore to Siem Reap:

Cambodia has always been on my bucket list and no visit to Cambodia is complete without a visit to Angkor What. Siem Reap is a small city that is fairly cheap and has lots to do. After visiting temples and local attractions I will be sitting back and partaking in the local beers and food.....


Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh City:

I have visited Vietnam before but not this southern end of the country. I have travelled across the North around Hanoi, Sapa, Halong Bay, etc. and am keen to see the south of the country. On my hit list is the memorials to the Vietnam War and the history that surrounds this terrible time.


Then is straight home via a short stop over in Singapore Airport.

Overall the trip will be a relatively short 3 weeks but will give us ample time to see and experience these wonderful countries. It will also give our girls the chance to experience some different cultures and expose them to different tastes and environments. Looking forward to getting away again.... Stay tuned for the travel posts when we do!

Thanks for reading.