
I believe we will maintain the downtrend in the BAT/BTC chart until Bitcoins price stabilizes. It's exponential growth is the factor that drives BATs price downward in BTC.

I believe we will maintain the downtrend in the BAT/BTC chart until Bitcoins price stabilizes.

I'm not shure that BTC price can be stabilized, it's exponential growth can end with the collapse... That's why I want alts start outperform BTC right now, I want to go out of this market untill bubble breaking...

I know what you mean. I love Bitcoin, but at this rate it can burst at any moment. Alts also have a lot of potential --> Steem, IOTA, Sia, and Verge to name a few.

Steem, IOTA, Sia, and Verge to name a few.

I have only Steem from this list. My biggest position: Golos, GBG, BTS, Steem, ETH, LTC, BCH (sold today), SNT, LSK, NEO, SYS, XLM (sold at 860 (((, MYST, LBC, XVC and more tiny positions.