The journey is ON! 🌏INDIA

in #teavel7 years ago (edited)

Wow, it’s been a hectic few days before I finally was on the flight towards New Delhi, India.
It’s been so hectic I really haven’t had the chance to think about the travel, so the butterflies came only just in time when I arrived at The Suryaa hotel in Delhi.
«Holy smoke, what have I done??» was my first thought waking up to the noise of the crowded city, the summer temperature (leaving winter behind), and the smell and taste of all kind of spices.

The hotel is quite nice, and I surely are the bum among fabs. Sleeping most of my stay I didn’t really take notice too much of the hotel or the surroundings. I’m not much of a city girl, I last only a few days before I have to get out and get some space.

Day two I went on the excursion to get myself a train ticket from Delhi to Pathankot heading for Dharamsal by the himalayan mountains. It was quite a struggle figuring out what office reservations were made, and on my way there I had to turn down numerous good offers for the tourist (me). I can tell they work for pennies, and it’s horrible to bargain for smallchange (and this sounds so arrogant I’m ashamed..). Well, the hotel clerc told me that a tuktuk shouldn’t cost more than so and so, and the taxidriver (and so far the most genuine nice guy so far) told me that bargain is mandatory.

I guess it’s just how it is. It certainly gives me the opportunity to leave some tips for good service. And if any, I’ll just leave tips to keep them motivated for work, as I do feel sorry for some of them having to deal with asshole guests which I witnessed at breakfast this morning.

How you treat the waiter and servicemen tells a lot about who you are as a person.
It’s our responsibility to help them have a good day at work. I’m sure I would want to if I was in their position.


Tonight; leaving New Delhi on the night train going to Dharamsala for a yoga instructor course and meditation.

/Linn Elise


For en spennende reise!
Lykke til med togturen og kos deg med yogaintruktørkurset. Ser frem til flere innlegg fra reisen! :)

Takk Helen! Det blir spennende, og jeg gleder meg veldig. 😄