
If you use the #teamgood tag, our community bot will upvote the posts that our Admins think are exceptional, vote power permitting.

If you delegate to @teamgood, our community bot will upvote up to two of your posts per day at a percentage based on your delegation amount, vote power permitting.

Delegate to our project via SteemConnect:
10 SP | 20 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP

Contact @battleaxe, @sapphic, or me for more info.

I will donate soon. Trying to save the steem power. Thanks for the info.

Yay. I'm a new blogger so I won't be offended at all if any post isn't chosen. I am honored. Thanks.

absolutely, sounds very interesting

just use the teamgood tag for visibility on it, cool beans

Cyber hugs and kisses.