
in #story7 years ago


"they are my prayers that have been granted,

for that I want to continue with them.
Walk in tandem, stay tight in one shaft, until later, to death.
With you best friend ....
Achieving intercession ... 😁😊

⏩hasan al-basri said:

"reproduce friends with those who believe because they have intercession on the Day of Resurrection" (ma'alimut tanzil 4/268).

⏩hrullah says about intercession on the Day of Resurrection:

After the believers are freed from hell, for the sake of god, the essence of my soul in his hands, you are so persistent in pleading with God to fight for the right of his brothers in hell on the Day of Resurrection.

⏩They plead: "O our god those (who are in hell) ever fasted with us, prayer and also Hajj.

⏩ Allah replied: "remove (from hell) the people you know." Until their faces are forbidden to be burned by the fires of hell.

The mu'minin also issued a LOT of His relatives who had been burned by the fires of hell, some were burnt to the calves of those who burned to his knees.

Then the believer also faces the god "O our Lord, the one whom you commanded to be uprooted from hell is no longer left."

Allah says again:

"come back again, draw out those who still have the greatest faith of dinars."

So many more believers were tormented in hell.
Then they came again "O our Lord, we left no one, the one whom you commanded to dientas." (HR MUSLIM no. 183).

Moreover awaited ... !!
If you already have do not let go ... 😊😊