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RE: Exposing the Secrets of the 33rd Degree Freemasons , Illuminati, The cabal PT 5

in #steemit8 years ago

I would like to point out when your baby falls down when learning to walk and you applauded the baby , you just programed a human to be a failure that shoots him self in the foot.

Later on when he realized applause means attention he will fail (fall down) unconsciously when he is about to succeed so that he can get the attention and he will live out the rest of his life this way always failing and coming in 2nd place.

Please be careful about what you program a child and be care full who you let near them.

just cut off communication with the evil person as they will do it all the bad things they did to you they will do this to the child . i would know i was one of those kids my dad knew how evil his family is but still let me stay with them is beaten tortured put in ovens, drowned, watched as my cousins were raped in front of me all for fun.

The worst was all the horrific mental programing that was instilled in me the only thing that work was the magic mushrooms otherwise i would still be that broken shell of a human a have a lot to delete but at least now i know how.

Trust me i am a fucked up a human as you can get but still i willed my way to find a cure it took me over 25 years to find it but i did. :)