
Awesomeness !!👍👍👍

Lol! Funny shit ! Hehe ! Things will be much better after hardfork 19 when they flatten the curve !! Heres a cool little post from @meesterboom with alot of great comments about the curve being flattened , even though i dont really understand it , it sounds good to me !! And he says this will be great for the platform ! Check it out :

We will endure Karen. We will endure :) Off to check out @meesterboom now!

Yup ! Only the strong survive !! 👍👍👍😂

I love those guys !! Especially Lou Diamond Phillips !! I remember him as Richie Vallens in La Bamba !! And of course Young Guns !! Your taking me back in time @mindhunter ! Lol! 👍😂

Bon Jovi's 'Blaze of Glory' - what a braveheart thumping tune that is!! ... "SHOT DOWN! ...."