What kind of world do we want to live in?


A few months ago, when I was in this phase of looking for a way to generate income, I came across the video of a young man who was actually mainly into investing education, but this time he was talking about online income and he claimed this: Now I give you here some very easy two ways to earn online income. Whoever does not want to earn at least from this is very lazy and deserves nothing.
So of course I watched it, didn't like what I saw and closed it. But a few days or weeks later, I looked it up again and watched it again. I didn't want anyone to call me lazy, because I'm not, and for the past months and years now, I've gone through and tried everything that could be tried, just so that no one could call me lazy. But that's not the topic of this post, don't worry. Because today we're going to talk about AI, not my unemployment.
The two methods of generating income this person was talking about were:

  1. Text generation through ChatGPT, voice-over again through an AI application and video generation with the inclusion of the already generated text with a voice-over, i.e. creating fully AI-generated videos, uploading to YouTube, "collecting the rewards afterwards".

  2. Generating text for a book in ChatGTP, layout of the book in an online version and selling it on Amazon.


In short - two simple ways to make money, as the vlogger claimed. 😃

Do I need to say how many such videos there are on YouTube that are named like this: 10 Easiest Ways To Make Money Online, How To Make $1000 A Month With This Easy Side Hustle, How To Quit Your 9 to 5 Job And Make $5,000 A Month With These Three Easy Tricks, How To Be A Millionaire With These 10 Easy Ways, How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams By Putting These 5 Methods To Work For You, While You Rest, etc. Many of these "easy tricks" involve AI, the modern mainstay of society.

AI writes texts, stories, entire books!, creates images that sell for tens of thousands of dollars in huge runs, you may have seen the cute face of that guy who so convincingly explains how successfully these generated photos and paintings sell on Etsy, a platform where intellectual property rights are closely monitored and stores are closed and you are forced to return all the money earned if you used two words from a famous song in your products or one of the photos with your products accidentally got someone else's trademark on it...


I had never used YouTube for anything other than music before, and now I see why that was. Once you watch a video on a certain topic, the platform floods you with subsequent such videos, each more incredible, promising miracles, promising millions of profits. And guess what - we're actually talking about millions of views on these made-up and even false and fraudulent videos. There are no profits here. Profits are for the author of the video only.
But, ok, we're still talking about AI. I thought a lot about it then and the products it creates. How are property rights settled, who actually creates these things, where do they even come from?


The person who orders the product does not have the brain to invent them, the technological machine also does not have this brain, these abilities. Especially for the photos I know or I suppose they are compilations of other photos, that's what I learned from my dealings with Adobe. And the text? Isn't the text also then a compilation of other, already existing texts? Aren't these other, foundational texts already copyrighted? (This, by the way, is one of the reasons I don't publish my book online.)
And if ChatGTP writes you a book today and you start selling it, won't years from now, as the awareness of this machine progresses, decide to sue you for copyright?
Yes, I know this sounds absurd, but don't you think we go through some pretty absurd things on a daily basis anyway?

Even Adobe has been sending their photographers confusing letters that don't make it clear what they want to say about their massive use of AI, which is bringing them profits, but probably a lot of legal trouble, now and in the future.

And videos with AI generated content on YouTube... Well, the audience of this platform, as easily as they can be misled and manipulated in principle, requires a lot more than just generating text and video to attract them as a viewer. It's not that simple, it's not about laziness at all. Also, you might know how strict YouTube is about copyrights…


I recently found out about a massive scam that was warned about in several FB groups, then I saw the scam in other groups with my own eyes. It was about books written with ChatGTP, but not just any books, they were guidebooks from a very specific place or route - the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Guides are commissioned on ChatGPT by people who have never been on the Way and written by a machine that also has no idea about it. Well, ok, it can probably compile texts from other guides. But the result must have been fascinating. It was not without a reason then that quite a few people had warned about this new wave of scams being perpetrated by people from Africa, countries from which few people could afford or even consider going on this trip, let alone writing a guidebook about it.
I saw the same scam in a travel group, even for emigration in Andalucia - again a travel guide offered by people from African countries. People who have never been there.


You know my experience with the non-existent photos from existing locations in Adobe. I wrote about it in one of my posts, then in a comment. People who have never been to a place order photos to a machine that also has no idea of ​​this place. And the show begins - the machine's "imagination" runs wild, it doesn't know what it's doing and has nothing to lose, it starts creating non-existent mountains, beautiful lakes, ruins, beaches, fortresses, wonderful non-existent performances.
Whose fault is it? Certainly not the machine's.


If we've ever thought about how Facebook created a fictional world where everyone is happy and living beautifully and pretending to be someone they're not, we must be sure that AI is already high-level, way above that - a world where artificially created pictures pretending to be real, taken in real places that don't actually exist, depicting real people that don't actually exist, or real people pretending to be in places when they weren't, or real people saying things they never said, or travel guides to places the authors never visited... the possibilities and variations are so many, practically limitless, because they depend only on the unfaithful infinite possibilities of the human brain in its attempt to deceive other people - this time with the help of a machine.


And then comes the "incident" with the generated comments, with which our blockchain was and will continue to be flooded. Wait, those comments seem to have been around for quite some time on the platform anyway, it's just that those of us who haven't used the automated paid autovote services in recent years haven't seen them. And now we were suddenly scared. Because some humans claim that by using a machine they will boost communication between people.
Well, I don't know about you, but I live in a country where communists come out with slogans that they will restore democracy in the country, or criminals - that they will restore compliance with the law. No offense, but the machine slogan sounds just as ridiculous to me.
And that's just the beginning.


After all, it's all in our hands. What happens from here on depends on our actions and behavior. I was very disappointed to see how people/humans changed their minds within a few days, either way, moving with the wind. Anyway, these are my personal observations. I'm glad they are still there, those genuine individual people I've had the good fortune to interact with over the years are still here on the eve of the machine takeover.
Oh, forgive my layman's vocabulary, things aren't as dramatic and the machines don't physically capture us like in a Stephen King horror story. But many people don't realize that this is the beginning.


So what kind of world do we want to live in? Real and virtual one. It's time to finally responsibly ask ourselves this question.
Needless to say, the introduction of AI, in the real and virtual worlds, will only benefit a handful of people while harming everyone else.

I told you all this accompanied by the photos of one of the most magical old churches in Bulgaria that I have ever been to, something that only the human brain and hands can create. It is necessary not to forget this - what man is capable of and do we want to destroy all this in one way or another, gradually.

Thank you for your time! Copyright:@soulsdetour
steem.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.

Personally, I am a sensitive soul with a strong sense of justice.
Traveling and photography are my greatest passions.
Sounds trivial to you?
No, it's not trivial. Because I still love to travel to not so famous destinations.🗺️
Of course, the current situation does not allow me to do this, but I still find a way to satisfy my hunger for knowledge, new places, beauty and art.
Sometimes you can find the most amazing things even in the backyard of your house.😊🧐🧭|



As I read your article, I kept thinking about the way in which virtually all of humanity's "help tools" can ultimately be traced back to at least a version of a desire to have "money for nothing."

Those people making "how to get rich without any work" videos on YouTube are simply the current generation of things done in the past, from pyramid chain letters in the 1980s to so-called "snake oil salesmen" 200 years ago who sold colored water with the promise that their "elixir" would bring eternal youth.

All of it preys on our inherent sense of sloth; our tendency to be lazy and want the easy way out.

That said, AI is perhaps the most dangerous form because of its potential to learn from itself, and become self-regenerating.

I don't want to live in an artificial world; being a pod inside the matrix. But I am older, and perhaps view things through a more jaded lens of perception than those in their teens and 20s who only see getting benefits without costs... blind to the greater "price" we could end up paying for that.

Oh, you took me back so many years, mentioning the chain letters. I have such a vague memory of them and I didn't even remember what was written in them, but I remember they were handwritten with a pen and when I found one in my mailbox I was pretty freaked out. That was so long ago.
Yes, people are dangerous, I think that is the more accurate definition, at least from my point of view and my perception. They are dangerous not only for others, but even for themselves. And when a self-destructive weapon like AI is put into their hands, they become even more dangerous and will shoot randomly like a mentally ill person who got hold of a machine gun.
Whether they are lazy is debatable. I've always wondered why the enormous effort that goes into developing a colossal scam isn't put into something meaningful, something useful. Humans are capable of putting truly incredible funds, time, knowledge and skills into creating debit card skimming devices for example, every era, every decade or every year has its own incredible fraudulent inventions of the human brain designed to deceive other people. And this is not a sign of laziness in any case. It is something else that I personally cannot fathom. But I wish I too had that elation with which YouTubers gleefully and shamelessly lie to people while ingloriously searching for ways to survive the moral way, because that way almost always fails...


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