Steemcleaner Report for August 18, 2017 Part 2

Continued from: Steemcleaner Report for August 18, 2017


LinkAccount AgeAbuse CategoryAction
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
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Link1 weekPhoto PlagiarismCommented
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Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
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Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
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Link2 weeksComment SpamCommented
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Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented
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Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
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Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
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Link3 or more weeksComment SpamCommented
Link1-6 daysTag SpamCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysTag SpamCommented
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Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link1 weekTag SpamCommented

Your account has made false claims against me. Please let me know where I can discuss with you. You made 2 false claims against me.


yes I have also ben unethicaly had false claims made against me too, aparently ANY referal link can trigger his shitty bot, and he needs to be dealt with my the community, we need to get whales like @thejohalfiles @stellabelle @neoxian @craig-grant @trevonjb @yuliana @papa-pepper and many others to look at this unfair abuse of power. I take this very personally when someone accuses me of scamming or spamming. It is VERY personal because I have been camed before for thousands of dollars years ago and its NOT ok to accuse me of that. I Build my reputation on being trustworthy and i CANNOT AFFORD a comment from such a high steempower user accusing me of scamming and spamming from an automated message as if its a matter of fact!
Sorry to get so emotional and to bring in whales that have nothing to do with this, i hate dragiging people into drama but i feel powerless here, and wana try and choose the low anxiety route, i have calmed down, and ia lways go back and edit my comments when im pised like i was, and i calm down, and yeah im calm now,m sorry, i just anna get this setlled in a fair way

It words capture how I feel. It's an attack on us


This is what I said in response and no reply. "So you flagged my post for giving all information about a product and including links for more information from legitimate sources.

Please note the "ref link and code" that is posted. Cause there isn't one posted. Please note the "known scam, phishing site, or dangerous link" please, as this is legimate and not a phishing/dangerous link. Thank you."

I asked them to post what they thought was a ref link or scam/dangerous link, they never replied. My post is clean.

Ill go give u some upvotes man and ill ask @tytran to as well he is gonan be having a lot of steempower soon!
Oh i see he flagged a Gunboat post, yeah im gona be pised if he flags my bitconnect ad post, i think he just has this list of blacklisted programs like gunbot or bitconnect andhe flags them automatically, so i swear, if he takes away the $17 ive made on my post that i worked hard on i am gonan be very mad, and if he doesnt respond, i will really push this issue to whale friends i know, ill push it hard and i wont let this just hapen without teh community doing something about it , i see your post, realy ungfair he flagged u! U have a link for WHALECLUb a fuckin steemit related website right??? wtf man, maybe its because us said 30 percent off for using "your link" or something?>? man i dfunno it sucks trhat we have to do this work that @steemcleaners shoul be doing, really sucks that hes abusing his pwer and hurting minnows like this who are just trying to post good posts they woprk hard on, realy make sme mad and im TRYINg to be civil im TRYING to kiss his butt and thank him or the good work he doesm, but it realy doesnt matter when hes taking money away from us, its just an attack on us! and the natural thing to want to do is atack back, but we cant he has mroe steempowert than us, so its like being bullied by an older kid, it really sucks. We;l I know @fyrstikken made an analogy of knocking down sand castles, if u knock down my sand castle ill get my older brother to come knock down your sand castle

Yeah, and they're all legit and not scams or anything. I forgot I had that ref link in the end of my posts. Idk, still shouldn't warrant a complete fuck over.

You write, if you publish content under a Creative Commons license, please give credit and a link for a special license. If you publish content under cc0 and the public Domain, please consider, noting that at the end of your post.In every post I pointed out the license-This work is licensed under a creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.Why the flag?

This must be a bot, they falsely attacked my posts 2 of them and I own the pics. It's crazy

yes, its very shitty of him to just run a bot without ever actually checking to see if he MAYBE made some mistakes. hes playing with fire, he is going to make a lot of enemies. he runs a very nice service when its not flagging innocent users, he should fix it for the good of the community

I was going to hold back but I see now that there have been A LOT of complaints about him, and IF I PISSED OFF TYHIS MANY PEOPEL I WOULDNT be making this much money Ill tell you that right now

if your curious about steemcleaners look what they are making from censoring everyone.. who made these rules, how are they allowed to spam everyone..

Steem cleaner upvote itself on each comment even if we are using pixabay free copyright comment its spamming our post with their comment and upvoted them..

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @tournego! For more information, click here!

Yes he needs to be checked by @thejohalfiles @craig-grant @stellabelle and many others who need to get his attention somehow.

While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..

Some things that can be considered spam:

Banner ads
Referral links/codes
Repeating the same post
Links to known scams, phishing sites, and other dangerous links

You are posting Spam on our accounts, falsely accusing us of scamming and spam, and you need to check your bot, its not fir to the community for you to be making so much money while destroying the community for minnows who are not doing anything wrong.
You cannot run a bot like this and unilaterally just make decisions like this.

its really making some of uys VERY mad . we DONT like to be accused of scamming or spam or whatever your AUTOMATED SPAM message accusesus of .

As SOOn as you tag someone, you fuckjing make uis lok TERRIBLE because everone ASSUMES you know what your doing, so you better take a look at the cases you flag more seriously, I am taking an accusation like thsi VERY seriously and will reach out to every whale friend I know to mak sure this gets resolved and you do not ever again post these accusations on my Blog without an actuial reason which you will never find one because I do not scam and I do not spam and you should never again be accusing me of either of those. I am very serious. I do not like being acused of scaming or spamming, Please dont lump me in with cammers and spammers

Nothing I posted was scam

This account is messing with my me sbs bullying me by faking false claims against me.

I don't want to get into a fight with you, I want to be at peace with people like you who have been here fora while and I want to trust you will make this right, I apologioze for getting emotional in my comments and for acting like I have any power or influence which I really dont, but I cannot just tke the abuse of being accused of being a scammer and a spammer! It is a personal attack on my honor andmy trustworthiness which is my entire business! my entire liveleyhood is based on people trusting me! Please undertand why I am getting emotional! i do SO MUCH to help steemit and have volunteered my personal life to just helping steemit grow and thats ALL i do now!

I still have to remember to thank you for the work youve done, i just wish I didnt see so many complaints from users wondering why you flagged them for using their own photos! You cannot force someone to cite their OWN cphoto that THEY took with their own camera JUSt because you THINK they stole it because you found a website with the same photo! Youre not doing due dilligance to ensure this is not that users photo! Its not fair to flag someone just because you arent quite sure if they are the original poster or not, thats not their resonsibiliy to make sure YOU know they arent steakling it, THATS WHY WE HAVE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY but I digress....Please acept my apology for being emotional, but i hope you understand where its coming from! I CANNOT be lumped in with a group like scammrs and spammers and your comment YOU left on MY post ACCUSED me of being a scammer AND a spammr. PLEASE understand that this WILLA LWAYS warrent this reaction from me because I do not like being acused of something that I am not guilty of, especially when it hurts my reputation so badly that it could loose me followers and my livelyhood, and I am one of the few people who is dedicating their LIFE to steemit top promoting steemit, gettiung dozens of users oin steemit, Maybe I should do a post about all the people I have gotten to join steemit, and you can do a post showing all the people YOU have signed up to steemit, please undertand that we all contribute to steemit in our own ways, and I hope you can do a little more due dilligance BEFORE you comment and flag a post .

Thank you and i apreciate the work you do to stop the hardcvore actual spamrs and scammers , it is a great service but youre being paid very well for the bot you buiilt. I think you should have no problem spendiong some extra time manually checking every single one of the postrs you flag, BEFORE you let your bot flag them. Theres not that many and you definitly are being paid enough to take the time to make SURE someone is guiilty before you flag them. This is just a sugestion to avoid a backlash from the coimmunity bcause i would rather get along with everyone

but i have a personality, because maybe my tourettes syndrome, that make sme talk alot and makes me speak my mind whenever i see something i know is wrong. i know I can be a spax but please understand I am still very emotional about being accused of being a scammer/spammer.

Thank you for your good work for steemit.

This steamcleaner account has made false claims against me. I'm leaving steemit end start my own white paper like it if this crap stands. We need to have a way to fight bullying on here. Newbies cant compete with this bots voting power. We should all stand with the falsely accused and down vote steemcleaner !

I still 14 - 18 hours later have no response and the false stander claims my work was not my own still are taking $ out of my pocket. I don't understand how this site allows bots to bully newbies with zero evidence. One of the posts didn't even leave a link. It prob picked up the picture on my own other social media. This is going to be the end of steem if Bully's like Steamcleaner can bully and make false claims against newbies. I'm leaving the site if these kind of false attacks go on with me way to fight. I'd rather post on a lame site like FB Then bot be able to fight back when bullied.

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Just a heads-up: @drt has plagiarised me and @sardrt in the past, and I am not entirely convinced he made the photos in this post.

These photos have been posted on flickr by a Dennis_F in 2011, and I somehow doubt that is the same person as drt.

nice post ...i upvoted you plz upvote me!!

haha you two commenting this kind of comment on steemcleaner's post :D . stop playing with fire :)

oh so do you know him/ Maybe you can talk to us for all the peopel he flags unfairly>? Likepeople posting Thir own fucking images, or people postingthir own fucking artucles, or me who id nothing wrong and i work for the community promoting steemit everyday of my liofe now, im completely dedicated to steemit holding signs outside and making videos instagram everything I can, and im pised that my post is being flagged for no reason, its really making me mad, this BOT is just left to destroy liovs and noone is putting itin check.

No. I was talking about comments like nice post... Upvote you upvote me back and on steamcleaners post it is playing with fire.

Literally no one.