Steem and Steemit going viral in Asia : traffic from the rest of the world growing too.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

The last couple of weeks we have been tracking growing traffic from Asia and now it is exploding.

By country South Korea has swapped places with Great Britain.

South Korea is now in 2nd, with India 6th and Indonesia 8th.

Looking at the historical starts we can see just how viral this Asian growth is.

These are not just drive by bounces but actual returning user statistics.

Much of the Eastern Asia viral traffic is dominated by South Korea but China and Japan are making a healthy contribution.

Traffic growth from the rest of the world is suitably impressive.

The US and Canada are showing signs of being the next to go viral.

Overall we are seeing indications that we will be testing record levels again very soon.

Also that very strong correlation between price and returning user activity being clearly displayed in the graph above.


The most dramatic (positive) change in our global economy is about to occur between 2016 and 2020.

Three to 5 billion new consumers, who have never purchased anything, never uploaded anything and never invented and sold anything, are about to come online and provide a mega-surge to the global economy.

While most of these individuals are in Africa, India, China and the developing world, and their income is low, when aggregated, this represents tens of trillions of new dollars flowing into the global economy and no one is talking about it.

Intriguing perspective.

Its the crypto token economy that will have the deepest most positive impact on mankind since the industrial revolution. Within 10 years tokens will be everywhere and across the world. I wrote a blog back in September last year about how following a crypto ETF will outperform BTC returns over time. I was bullish on BTC then (still am) but saw how crypto tokens will have exponential growth in the coming years. Here it is

Nonsense. You forget the internet besides that we could already transfer money instantly around the world for supercheap. Blockchain as a whole is great but not bigger than let's say 3d printing.

I like your way of thinkin Carmine!

I'm 100% in your camp. Phenomenal things are about to take place.

I would imagine we will see Japan jump up this chart as well. With the new virtual currency exchanges being put in over there, the consumption tax on virtual currency trading going away, and just cryptocurrencies being introduced over there for the first time will likely bring in a wave of new investors. I would imagine a lot of them will take a look at steem (and steemit) as well since it is in top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap out there.

Yup, being in the top ten makes us a lot more vissible

It is actually number 5 right now... Perhaps I should have stated "A top 5 cryptocurrency" ;)

I was looking at poloniex, but after I typed that I went back and checked another site... which shows more accurately that Steem is currently number 10 in market cap. Disregard the previous comment :)

I am from aceh can only comment this!!!

Amazing, Indonesia is ranked 8th in steemit. The users of Indonesian state steemit generally is Aceh community, originated from sharing from main friends to other friends, not to mention in aceh many coffee shops and there too much they share and sharing about steemit. I love you steemit, regards steemit Aceh.

Ache is proof of word of mouth


I encourage everyone to begin flagging all posts by @gavvet. He is repeating content only to suck up rewards knowing he has plenty of suckers following him that will upvote regardless of how shitty the content is. To ensure your -100% posts do not get flagged you can use this page to ensure the post is within the period a downvote cannot be countered:

Can you please explain explain what is doing wrong? Are you saying he doesnt deserve six hundred for just posting pictures of graphs? I agree, he should at least write some of his opinion...yeah its sad...people shouldnt upvote such low quality posts...i mean, tis post seems to have some relevant info, but yeah you are rigt these charts are just giving the appearance of making him apear intelligent etc hahah

i just dont wanna feel bad for others making money, yea he should be trying harder tp post better content but hey whatever , i cant blame him for wanting to make money off steemit ! I do agree he should not just be repeating content! Maybe ceetah bot and steemcleaners needs an upgrade or maybe we should meka a bot that points out lazy articles that are just copies of other content changed just enough to not alert the anti plagarism bots!

I am torn here, i want steemit to be about quality ccontent, not just people makin a quick buck ! Quality over Quantity!

And as the Soviets once said, (i believe stalin?) that Quantity has a quality all of its own!

There are accounts that are set up to automatically vote on any post made by his account. Knowing this, he takes advantage and posts this junk knowing he will earn a reward no matter what. That is the problem.

I really do hate the bot system. I was actually interested in the actual interaction. But what I see is that my post will get maybe 20 votes, but only 6 people actually saw it. It is depressing to know that people aren't actually reading anything..

The bot voting is a combination of greed and laziness. We have nobody to blame but ourselves. Because of this 100% of my votes are manually curated.

Human nature needs healing for Steemit, and us in general, to truly prosper.

yup it's a hard sell, but you can find friends and flock together, as with anything most people are lazy :| why vote when you can autovote :D at least they put up a button so they have to collect their returns :D I for one have thought about autovoting since there are times when reading 50 pages(200) per day is kind of annoying :D buuuuut I can just chill out for a week and that works too :D

g chat people up i discord trails/steem speak and the chat(rocket chat) for steemit where you can do post promotion and just show what you want to see and fight for it, want more people engaging, tell them it's good, show them it's better and stick to it :)

Good luck :)

Flags are still not anonymous are they? I imagine people would be fearful of flagging any of these Goliath accounts.

so what? People should stand by what they mean, I was flagging bernie :D I'm not actually sure how many flags I had thrown out, but I returned some of them, back then he was harassing @krnel flags are not anonymous flags are downvotes, just like you upvote what you like you can downvote what you don't

Its great to India in the top 10 list on the chart! There's a lot more to come from India on Steemit. This is just the start. :) We are yet to see BTC/Crypto legalisation and overall crypto boom in my country.

Amen to that, and have STEEM sneak in the back door in the process, where everybody is not already heavily biased towards bitcoin.

I'm from India and it is pleasing to see steemit's growth in Asia! :)

It is gonna go viral world wide real soon. At least on my part driving uber in South Florida . As I see people from all parts of the world and they are joining and joining fast . Steem On!!!

For some reason I am giggling uncontrollably... These are all very very good signs! Thanks for sharing, namaste :)

Much of the Eastern Asia viral traffic is dominated by North Korea...

South Korea seems more likely. 😜

Good catch,
NK is just so much more in the news that I guess its front of mind for me.