
I wonder how much he would have made with equal effort and time if he was legit rather than a scammer.........

it’s too bad that people can’t see how big of a shit bag he is.

Y'all have his address and cell phone lol man you must really hate him. Well the other guy since he blogged his info and you for confirming it

Yeah Stray tried to scam me. Then he made that post about me after I told the entire community and got my money back.

ridiculous! Well all least you got your money back you must be one of the few lucky ones

For your information @biasnarrative I created some of the best content early on.. until they started flagging me for being a Christian, or "homophobe" as bernie says. I even interviewed the founder of Ethereum, a 100 billion dollar company.. Vitalik Buterin.. it was up to about 700 dollars payout until Bernie and his buds swarmed on it. Search "noganoo vitalik buterin" on google.

Yeah, and I also know about all of your scammy bullshit of making accounts to steal from people mistakes.

Just go in a corner and rot. Take your crying with you as nobody who knows the whole story cares at all about your complaints. You deserved everything that came to you and more.


Finally back to noganoo ! Hey noganoo stop being a scammy fuck !

I'm not wasting my time, just making a quick post. Soon enough he'll be gone again.

Felony Code 10240120

Attacking his probation officer possible scenarios just writing here to see my prediction skills

Wow boss you have found each and every thing on him. That such great work you have been doing for the community. Your help is appreciated. Thank you sir

@berniesanders if you are not a scamer or you would not don silly things then why your reputation is below -18

What is actually his problem. Why this happens ??

"Litecoin prices skyrocket after major LitePay announcement

May they be conscious, and stop to talk about what they consider unimportant

Is this really true, there should be a option of report, is there any such option on steemit?

Yes you can flag him. There is an option on the right side of the persons post.

chaikki paechni rass

Thanks for sharing such valuable information, bt I wasn't expecting reply from you..😕