
He has also flagged a lot of people in "self defense" yet I never flagged him once.

Yet he flagged me personally for thousands of dollars with his $80 - $300 flags all because I showed some screenshots from

Hi, it looks like an interesting app in the picture. Is it somewhere on the web? If so, can you provide a link?

YOU only put forth a fabricated (period to a comma) payout report back around November of last year. That's all. Hence were flagged! How you conveniently leave out self incriminating details!

Why are you still spreading this lie? I encourage any of your followers to do their own research into it. It is irrefutable.

There was nothing fabricated, it was a bug in, which I disclosed when it was found (and fixed by the owner of the site), in the end, it didn't matter the number was still accurate when a full week of data was available. Which I also proved many times.


So to sum up, it's 88% self-voting and 12% annoying people with malicious flags.

Along with with 99.9% self-voting with @rachorelaxo $4.5m account.

Your technical analysis only contribute content of arguable quality to Steem. Steem is not so much about content as most people think, it's a whole ecosystem that need resources and people to expand and improve.

Should you ever want to divest, you will figure out very quickly that you not only destroyed value but also didn't create strong enough liquidity to support your sell orders.

Be greedy @ranchorelaxo and do the right thing.

In the meantime, there is another interesting guy. You will love it!
Don't be too surprised: Guy's comment section.

Yeah... I'm still facepalming.

wow so much cringe

Ahahaha, told you :D

wait so i can make myself rich??

Yea go buy a few millies worth of steem, write 10 posts a day and 100% vote for urself. Go do it yourself. However be k with the fact that ur millies may lose 80-90% of its value fairly often.

Still want to so it?

If so we would really like that cuz ur bump us all up. Problem for u is after u buy, the price is likely to tank

That's like saying if you bought 16 steem at $1 a piece and then one steem skyrockets to $500 each you're sitting at 8 grand happily upvoting and sharing the love, then it drops to 4 grand (a typical 50% tank when it comes to crypto) so you decide "I have to upvote myself 100% now and stop voting on others because I gotta think about my ROI" Sorry guys, ROI. My income is cut in half so I'm losing money now.

We can assume this will be a rinse and repeat, bull run to $1000 [shares the love] then a 50% tank "sorry guys ROI". This is essentially what all these self voters are doing. I've seen people say "It's costing me to upvote others so everyones getting dust from now on and im 100% myself".... what?

I'm fairly certain rancho got in dirt cheap, and I'd say 99% of haejins account value came directly from rancho's upvotes. So claiming ROI is absolute garbage, because the account is worth more than any investment he put in.

That's really not how any of this works. If it is, then the Welcome Page is completely wrong and is false advertisement.

You should probably read the article and the comment you commented on. Only two ways you can become "rich" on Steemit. Either post quality content and over time you will help the community grow and get recognized for it. Or just have a bunch of whales upvote you. But that's not the point of this community. If you had 250k in steem you could make good daily money upvoting yourself but the community will flag you. As you can see haejin is one who gets hated on a lot for this very reason. But has more whales on his side so he still makes 150 per post every time. Hopped this helped.

What kind of commitment would you like to take toward that @haejin?

I think something fair would be that we both delegate an equal amount % of SP to @sadkitten Which counters self-upvotes in order of % without caring about the amount of SteemPower and see onto who @sadkitten gets to first.

Edited,: Originally suggested to merge rancho's account with your self-votes but @sadkitten project would never manually discriminate by grouping accounts together.

Edit: Why are you hiding this comment @haejin?

I never understood the war on @haejin until recently. I have only been a member of Steemit for almost four months (111 days to be specific) and I have been trying my absolute hardest to succeed on this platform by writing quality content and giving back to the platform through upvotes, resteems and encouraging comments.

I am trying to be one of the good guys, one of the few who are writing content to try and improve this place. I am not publishing photos of flowers with no captions and spending $500 on bots to get them to trending. Or writing spam pieces like Jerry Banfield is.

And then yesterday I received my first Haejin flag. I am not a power user, I am not rich and my posts only recently started making me $1+ thanks to some great community initiatives like @teamaustralia who have helped me immensely.

Haejin claims that he never downvotes for no reason. I wrote a tongue-in-cheek post titled, Proposal: rename Steemit to Haejinit. I didn't attack Haejin, but I didn't sugarcoat the damage he is doing to this site. Well, Haejin flagged it.

I only just reached the 49 reputation mark on Steemit and flags from Haejin hurt for a plankton like me. And I thought it was completely unjustified, Haejin censored a post that wasn't favourable to him and didn't even have the audacity to write a comment explaining why.

Are you aware of an account called @starjuno ? They then went and flagged a bunch of my comments on the post as well as flagging comments I have left on other posts. This account seems to exist to resteem and upvote Haejin's content, is it a Haejin bot and are you aware of it?

Do you have any advice for me @berniesanders ? What can a newbie to Steemit do to stop being brigaded by the likes of Haejin and his bot accounts? I don't know what I did wrong other than poke fun at the rampant abuse. Is this what Haejin wants, to silence people?

I won't let it discourage me, but I wish there was help out there because I have spoken to others who have been flagged by Haejin and associated accounts before and for seemingly no valid reason.

How many people has Haejin pushed away from this platform because of flagging? It's damaging and in the long-run, it'll damage this platform and stop it growing.

He's a very hypocritical beast, that's for sure. Do your best to avoid him. @starjuno is one of his alternate accounts. His time will come, just stay clear of him for now.

His time will come

How do you imagine that? He's got an army of loyal slaves-asskissers and bots AND also has a shitton of SP. Your crusade on this parasite is admirable, but let's face it, your rep is -15, and his is the highest on the platform. The rot and corruption goes on. The communal effort at flagging won't damage him much, too. I really hope I'm wrong and that somebody (preferably time itself) proves me wrong.

The "army of loyal slaves" has minimal affect on his rewards. It all comes from himself.

Every day he can keep his practices going. It will be harder to put a halt to them.

Thanks @berniesanders - I appreciate your efforts to try and extinguish the dumpster fire that has been raging here for a while now. I hope to support the cause by buying some SP soon and then delegating it towards the effort to turn things around here. I assumed it was one of his accounts, considering all they do is flag anyone who speaks a bad word and resteem his "TA".

I have hope that one day the issues with the platform will be resolved or minimised, I am not sure how or when, but hope is all we have for the moment and it's reassuring to know that people such as yourself want to fix the issues (even if it is an uphill battle).

The question is why doesn't STINC do something about it?
I'm all for self-governing society where social trends direct the flow of power, but when power and reputation can be bought, the umbrella (STINC) needs to lend a guiding hand to steer the ship in the right direction.

Maybe the answer is to have community backed moderators, almost like the Witnesses where the community elects a number of moderators who can help guide the system, not for rewards but for fairness.
But then again that's also corruptible and can get used for evil.

capitalism and democracy are incompatible

I am just a pain in the ass dont i @berniesanders ?? 😂 How old are you? - Wait I shouldn't ask, you can't count that high. You just a Weed smoking psychopath 😂

Minnows should stay well clear of this war - we haven't any power and will just get crushed in the process. Leave it to the whales.

In the meanwhile, if you see someone who doesn't deserve it getting votes, don't flag them, instead upvote someone else. The amount of steem distributed in a 24 hour period is fixed, so your upvote for someone else has the same effect as flagging the bad guys in that it redistributes the steem. And this way you won't be at risk of being flagged yourself and will make the day of the noob you have upvoted!

It doesn't have the same effect. A $0.10 upvote for someone else won't take $0.10 away from haejin.

It does have the same effect. The pool of steem is fixed. So a $0.10 flag on haegin's post has the same effect as a $0.10 upvote for someone else. So don't bother flagging, just upvote someone else.

That's not correct. If I flag haejin (or anybody else) his rewards are directly reduced by the exact amount of my vote's worth.

Upvoting someone else rewards that person at the expense of everybody else. Downvoting someone rewards everybody else at the expense of that single individual.

Proof: When @thing-2 upvoted you, haejin's rewards remained the same...because the .25 was spread across all current claimants on Steem for the day. If it were a downvote for haejin, haejin's rewards would be .25 less.

Here's another way to put it:

A downvote means that I believe the rest of the community should have a greater say in reward pool distribution than than the user who upvoted haejin. This is my basic rationale for why I flag him. He is mindlessly and indiscriminately upvoted by a single individual who has never given any reason for doing so. It is my belief that Steemians as a whole show better discretion than that guy and therefore should be allotted a greater weight when it comes to reward pool distribution.

Of course he wants to silence people.

He is (in my very not-humble, better-than-him, opinion) a middle-brow, low-rent, high-falutin, financially illiterate huckster who provides unfalsifiable Barnum Statement non-advice advice to vulnerable poor people.

If he believes what he’s selling, he’s a new-age pseudo-scientific drivel peddling weirdo.

If he doesn’t believe what he’s selling, he’s a charlatan.

A flag from him should only be salubrious for your mental health.

You should wear it like a badge of honor.

I certainly would.

just admiring the use of language....eloquent albeit sharper then the chedder i enjoy occasionally

If anyone write anything that haejin thinks is negative towards him.... he will downvote you. Then he will start to downvote all of your blog post. That is how he is. He is a bigger snowflake than Hillary Clinton.

we need more people like you. not just on the platform but in the world. stay cool bro

Not to mention his "technical" analysis is the opposite of technical, it is useless garbage that is almost always wrong, except when he occasionally gets lucky. It makes Steemit and cryptocurrencies in general look terrible to see horoscope-esque garbage like that on this website.

I've said it before: If Haejin's "analysis" was even slightly accurate on average for long periods of time, he wouldn't have to upvote himself nonstop to generate income, he could just take his own assets and become wildly rich off of cryptocurrency predictions.

Really sorry that ur not the only dude who gets to self vote and get all the rewards.

He flags me for speaking out against him, and disagreeing with his potential rewards. Lately he's been hitting my posts at 7 days so no one can upvote them to undo the damage, removing around 300$ in the last week.

Does it scare me from speaking out? Not a chance. The more flags he gives us the less he can give to himself. Keep em coming, besides @haejin... #youflaglikeabitch.

Youre a badass Lyndsay

I'm glad to see you haven't given up yet either @brandonk.

Your technical analysis only contribute content of arguable quality to Steem. Steem is not so much about content as most people think, it's a whole ecosystem that need resources and people to expand and improve.

He downvoted @mikefromtheuk from reputation 44 to reputation -1. As the highest rep users of Steem he stands to be a dictator. I recommend changing reputation and downvoting such that we remove the rule that says that lower reputation people cannot reduce the reputation of higher reputation people as I outlined here.

orca-image-1524723108058.jpg_1524723108305.jpeg Photo found in Google then I edited it.

I'm that man that is leaving. Registered on steemit around one year ago and now I sure that there is any good incentives to go further with steemit

It's hard to grow here in steemit. Only those who have a high reputation gets the upvote and you're lucky if someone (whale or dolphin) resteem you or upvote you. But my friend don't go yet, there are a lot of steemians that aims to help minnows like us, they aim to make steemit great :)

It is not the mater of growing but the fact that there is something interesting on steemit. Have you seen the post?!! Only analysis similar to haejin that are not interesting to anyone or what people think about this or that coin, on in best cases photo contest with photos copy paste form internet.
Steemit is a platform for someone like haejin that come here to invest money and to make more money not for us.

I have a solution for situations like this.

We create a web app that users can SteemConnect to. If their account has a reputation over 55 and they have at least 1000 SP they get a vote on what to do in a situation like this. (That should limit gaming the system too much) If the majority of those Steemians feel that the problem should be dealt with then the Witnesses and other high powered accounts will be asked to carry out systematic flagging to limit the abuse as much as possible instead of turning a blind eye.

If the witnesses don't carry out the communities wishes then they risk having witness votes taken away.

Nice solution! Did it work? If we all cooperate we can stop the abuse and make steemit great.

If all witnesses would agree, we could also send all his Steempower to @null with a simple code change and witness node upgrade. But I'am most certain that this would be most controversial and there wouldn't be consensus on this.