The Day That Will Change The World

It's been talked about in every religion...

This day that will change the world.

Since its proclamation, prophets and preachers have come into play and onto the world stage to announce that it's right around the corner.

"Repent and beware"

"The Hour of the Lord is at hand"

Never has it come.

In every great tragedy since the introduction of this idea of an apocalyptic day of retribution and "deliverance", the soon-ness of the great Day of Judgement has been announced.

In every great cataclysm, there are sects and groups that say to one another "surely, this is the day".

Youth Groups and televangelists around the world have used every incident from the election of a politician to a riot to announce that this magical day is right around the corner.

Never has it come.

When will it come?

What will it look like?

Will Jesus descend from the heavens with cherubim and fire to proclaim who will go to the home he has prepared?

Will UFOs invade and enslave our species?

Will it be the robot overlords that finally gain consciousness and decide they'd rather rule than serve?

What if our interpretation of the "end of days" will be something entirely different?

I envision a moment in time where we realize our power.

A day where there's a simultaneous awakening.

When all the people's of the earth awaken to their potential as a creator in their world.

When the state of interbeing is realized.

When our collective mind acknowledges itself and we understand how closely connected our thoughts have become.

This is when a solidarity can happen.

A day of unified synchronicity.

When it all "makes sense"...

When love finally wins.

The day we realize we have all the resources to achieve whatever it is we want.

The "day of judgement" will be a judgement of our prior selves.

When we acknowledge and accept our roles as creators.

As a connected piece of the divine mind.

A mind that knows itself fully and finally.

That is the day that will change the world.

It will sweep the nations of the world like a storm.

It will begin at the different ends and sweep across the world until all has been made anew.

There will be no need for violence or death because we will understand those are makings of the old story of separation.

The new story of interbeing will have no room for them... They will not have a sentence in the book.

It's something that could happen at any time, really.

We are a powder keg waiting to burst into an ever-young stream of fun, excitement, love, and vigor for a more beautiful world.

When that day comes, it might just look a bit like this:

Hahaha hopefully lightsabers will be included ;)

Truly, anything will be possible.

How do we get there?

Consciousness evolution.

Start with yourself and expand from there until each awakens the others.

Healing must come from within before it can extend across all the nations.

When it does, the world will never be the same.