STEEMIT Black + White 7-Day Photo Challenge with Friends! You are invited Too! Complete Rules in Post! Ok Dutton!!!

I was in my day minding my own business just surfing the net, checking emails, what have you and to my shock I had came across to a challenge by... You guessed it Mr Barry Dutton himself !!!! The nerve of some people.

"Have you heard of the seven day black and white photo challenge circling on every form of social media?

I'd not.

Likely it is more social engineering by the elites to mass surveil us and our data LOL".
~Barry Dutton~ Isnt that the truth though Barry


Well Barry...

I just wish he didn't ask me in that manner! Ouch! That ill leave a mark ...

Here is my entry for this day and the rest of the rules I was given, and who I am including!

So here are the guidelines I was given, so I will post them for you too:

-- 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life

-- Present one image every day for seven days

-- No people

-- No explanation

-- Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in

-- Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags

Now I must nominate another Steemian to keep this going.

I Nominate @stillwater

Barrys challege post Here

Some of my other works:
The next stage in Quantum Computers: The Topological platform & Microsoft is hedging their brand to be a top in the industry... Link

2017 a huge year of crypto profits, 2018 will be ever bigger!! Certain companies will aid in exploding your portfolio!! Find out a few of them!!

The Federal Unreserved Link/Poetry

-Ghost- @gangster.inc00


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For reposting Barry's own words for the challenge? Hey bot!! Your on my list !!