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RE: Qualitative Versus Quantitative: What's More Important Approach?

in #science7 years ago

Choose quality

good quality works must be passed, and don't depend on the number (quantity)

I choose quality rather than quantity, because many readers really think about the quality of works. But how can you attain a good quality work ?

Simple, by making a number of work (Quantity)

Many creators, writers, developers, photographers and inventors all around the world produce a good quality of work, but how many work do you think they have produced ?? I doubt that these inventors only make a single work with a great content or quality, of course they also took a lot of time before getting the quality product they want.
Even the greatest painters paint a number of paintings, then show the one who has the best quality.
The best photographers have taken a number of shots then show the best quality shot

Working quantitatively will sharpen your skills in any field so I prefer choose the best quality after your quantitative work