10 Things to do, make your life on the job really more serene

in #popcontest7 years ago


                                          image source: huffingtonpost

The meetings are chained together, you fall under the folders and the stress begins to climb… are not going to lie, the days at work can sometimes be challenging, especially at this time of the year. And knowing that it is the place where you spend most of your time, it is going to fix this! Discover our 10 tips Any simple to feel serene finally at work.

1. In the morning, take your time

Your day begins before arriving at work!

Then as soon as the morning, attempts to relax to the maximum.

Prepare your held the day before, to prevent a panic at the last minute. Try to schedule your alarm clock 10 minutes in advance, history of you leave time for you stretch to the bed.

To finish, let your phone to the side the time to prepare for you, and eat a good healthy breakfast, containing calcium, cereals, of the fibers. The good idea if you are in a hurry: A Activia Quinoa hazelnut, a dairy product to cereals which combines creaminess, freshness, and ... pleasure! Without forgetting a fruit juice and/or a coffee in a thermos and a cereal bar.

There it is, you can now leave at the time, on a good mood!

2. A strand of organization, and it restarts!

A good organization, it is the key to the serenity!

Start by sorting your papers and reorganize your desktop. Please do not hesitate to add a few personal objects (one or two photos, your favorite mug…), you will have the impression to be a little like at home! The organization also passes by the ranking of priorities at work: a small To-do list each morning, with the emergencies of the day and the projects which can wait,  is a real gain of time.

3. Master your breathing!

                                                               image source: NYtime

A peak of stress you suddenly submerge during the day? Do not panic, if you learn to control your breathing, the serenity will return quickly.

The abdominal breathing is one of the best ways to relax: Breathe in through the nose, by placing a hand on your belly. The latter must "return" to your spine.

Focus on your lap belt, and then breathe out through your mouth, in gently return your belly to its place "normal". Breathing in as well during 2 minutes, your body is going to release, and then you can start anew on good bases. Perfect for manage its emotions!

4. It does not pass to the side of the breaks


                 image source: QCS

the breaks are really in-dis-PEN-sands. Change of air a few minutes, walking, prepare a tea or even stretch are all good ideas for concentrate.

And if there is a pause on which we must not make the impasse, it is that of the Lunch: one picks up really and eat balanced (with in the base of the cereals OR legumes, vegetables and raw vegetables for half and proteins). And especially, do not forget to chew slowly!


                                        image source:  healthyliving.azcentral.com 

Then, to hydrate during the day, it favors the water rather than the tea or coffee.

And if you feel a decline of vigilance in the afternoon, do you grant a snack: A Activia cereals to drink Mango Pineapple flax seeds, accompanied by a herbal tea and hop, it restarts! It is pleasure with a touch of freshness milky, a little of crisp with cereals and it is hydrate, is perfect.

5. Maintain your professional relationships for a better atmosphere


            image source: Pulse.ng

Knowing that the day takes place in large part to the work, it is better to take care of its professional relationships. Because when the atmosphere is in the beautiful fixed with your colleagues, or even that they become friends, the job automatically becomes more serene and the hours pass much more quickly.

Then do not hesitate to propose an aperitif between colleagues or to encourage the outputs for lunch in a small group.

6. Stay optimistic


                            image source:  linkedin.com 

we often said that the optimism can be contagious… then the best way to stay zen at work and to encourage his colleagues to do the same, it is always see the glass half full rather than half empty. By instilling a wind of positive attitude, it can also put into perspective a little more the small problems of everyday life.

In addition, science has proven that the optimism protected the Organization: Then one PO-SI-TI-VE !

7. Take the distance

                         image source:  open.buffer.com 

if you observe the Point Number 6, then the taking of distance will come of itself.

Try to detach a little, and avoid to take things too much to heart. The job remains in the job, and if you give substance and that you do your best, then it is already not bad!

Do not rehashing everything that could have you crumple in the office, an approach totally useless. You say that once you are outside of your place of work, it is finished! You will have all the time to rethink your records the following day…

8. Once at home, you disconnect!


                           image source:  Ms Sam's Global Village - WordPress.com 

The mails and calls to the House, it prevents the maximum: Separate well your private life and your professional life, otherwise you might never disconnect.

The better, it is to leave the technology to the side for a few hours and have pleasure. A small bath, the preparation of a recipe that children love, an output between friends… Everything is good to forget the job some time!

9. Express yourself!

We think rarely, and it is a pity: it is better to express themselves directly when they do not feel well rather than to wait for things to regulate all alone.

This is not simple, but it is very often the Savior. Say "I have not understood", "I do not get there" or "Sorry but I have too much work," it can only help. This is in no case a confession of weakness, quite the contrary. It is lucid be faced with some difficulties, and put words above.

You are the guarantees, it changes the life!

10. Unwind!


                image source:  livestrong.com 

To start in a playful activity, and why not a strand in sport, it is the best way to forget the work!

In the morning, to wake you up, choose for sports really punchy: jogging, course of boxing, moment of swimming... or even on the lunch break if you can.

In the evening, it is also conceivable, but space well your sports session of three hours with the sunset. Otherwise, the bike is an option as malignancy that practice and physics for your travel.

Not only, all these activities are good for the health, but they also boosting your good mood: The next day, you will wake up the smile to the lips!

                                                                                                                                                           By @xenomic 


I love your work. you left me in a good mood!!!

your worke is assome

this article is very interesting, I have to practice some of the ways that I get here. oh yes please read my article. hopefully useful


All those tips might be logical and simple but they are essential. Good work! Have a nice day