A DRAGONS LULLABY (original poem by Thaakirah Savahl)

in #poetry8 years ago

Deep within the darkest shadows,
Eyes of amber, glowing with rage,
And Trapped in between the walls of his own loneliness.
A fire filled creature,
So dangerously beautiful-
Listened to the wind borne the hollow whispers of a mesmerizing song...
The dragons lullaby.

Nothing but the sweet sound of her serenading voice,
Echoed around him.
By this strange resonance,
The shadows began to retreat
As he started towards the light of-
The dragons lullaby.

Eyes of amber reveal a peaceful soul,
A fire filled creature’s heart ignites,
As he escapes the loneliness.
So blindingly beautiful.
His true majesty was exposed,
As he listened to the blissful sound of the most mesmerizing song...
The dragons lullaby.


This is a beautiful poem. I love the references to the demons that each human possesses and the comparison between loneliness and dragons is a perfect analogy!

@yaseeny15 thank you, I am glad you like it :)

Such a magnificent mythical creature. Your poem enlightens how misunderstood some of the real creatures of today are. eg... rattle snakes, scorpions, and black widows. None of these creatures want to harm any one. They just want to live their lives, find a mate, and procreate.

indeed so. I am intrigued by your perspective of this piece. Would love to explore it further

I now live in Roswell NM. Until I moved here, I only knew of the nightmare stories I heard about these fascinating creatures. Black widows are reclusive and will run and hide before attacking . The same with scorpions. Rattle snakes will do everything it can to let you know it's there long before it strikes. In some cases it will crawl back into it's hole to avoid a confrontation. However, never assume you are totally safe around these creatures . They need to be respected.

That is quite interesting. I love where your mind has taken this poem. And what you have said here is so true,however, in the same light as what you have said, we can compare these creatures to humans with a darker side. A side which is provoked by unfortunate circumstances, resulting in such a creature retaliating

I was originally in the frame of mind you're referring to in regard to humans and their darker side. That has been discussed for decades eg... "Doctor Jekyl and Mister Hyde" and I truly get it in the poem. My mind tends to wander outside the box :-)