in #poetry7 years ago (edited)


She bore the pains of my birth
Watched me grow, depriving herself to make me comfortable
She denied herself the luxuries of life to put a smile on my face,
She struggled to make sure I lacked nothing.

Day and night spent at my bedside
When I felt pain, she was in pains
When I laughed, she laughed
She put me before her at all times, ready to give her life as long as I live.

What kind of love is this?
What type of love is greater than this?
What love can be equated to this?
A love that felt pain and joy...

Though I let her down severally, she keeps pushing me on
Though I give up so many times, she admonishes me to try one more time

Who am I not to be grateful and thankful for the love I have received with open arms?
What love is greater than the love of a mother?

Image source:

Be beautiful your own way


Greetings @egoedozie

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