Winter pictures

In severe frost, you will see more winter paintings on the windows of a house or car than in cold weather. Snowflakes do not have time to quickly melt so they stick to the glass. Each new snowflake complements the overall picture. We admire the winter paintings. But still, we want a warm spring.


I could look at these snowflakes captures, you've been doing recently, all day!! Good stuff!!

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Great theme idea! Did you take all those pictures yourself? What kind of surface is the last picture? I love its color scheme!

These pictures are gorgeous. I love everything about snowflakes!

The thought that each snow flake has its own shape and size but when merged together create magic. Thanks for sharing.....appreciated.

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Beautiful pictures! makes me not mind winter as much!

But agree with wanting a warm spring. I'm for that! :))

This post has received a 0.16 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @always1success.

Beatiful the last one .

So beautiful. How you can taked this photo

the winter vives are always my kinda thing