It doesn't always go as planned | Somehow I figured out how to screw up a great day

The day had great potential.

It started with a great climb to about 2000 feet above sea level.

After watching a group of my buddies go across the valley, I decided I was going to send it.

On my way back, I waisted a bunch of altitude thinking that I was going to find some lift somewhere. Well, I didn't and I ended up landing on the side of Amen Ridge. I waited for the wind to pick up and see if I could get a ride back up to the top, but it didn't work. When I relaunched, I had a stick in my A risers and had to sort that before I could fly away. I got it fixed pretty quick. I ended up landing in some guys back yard. It was a fun day.

Enjoy this video


Crazy... That would scare me.

What was the beeping about, and why was it missing on the relaunch?

Great question @freebornangel! Its called a variometer. It tells you when you are going up or down. It really helps when you are above about 2000ft asl. (Above sea level) When you are climbing up in a thermal it beeps fast, when you are going down it makes a low pitched noise. It also has a GPS in it to tell me things like ground speed, wind direction, and above ground altitude. Mine is a Flymaster. They are about $400 dollars.

Sounds essential.
Looks like fun.
Do you see many injuries?

I have seen a couple in 3 years.

I'd guess they would be easy to get.
Mother nature can be fickle.

What is the entry bar, with tech gadgets to improve one's odds, to get airborne?

Most instruments help to let you know what the wind is doing, direction, speed, up draft etc. You can also get real time weather on some devices. Those make it nice. I personally use a variometer, a gps locator in case I land out and don't have cell signal, and then I have my phone app that records my flight.

It helps to be able to go back and look at a flight to see what worked and what didn't.

I sure am liking the looks of it, once I am retired I bet I get one.
It has to be right up there with riding a motorcycle, but without the idiots in cages.