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RE: OCD Daily: Issue #170

in #ocd7 years ago

I admire the role you guys play in curating work.. but some of this is poorly written (both on THIS post and in the work you're curating).

With websites like grammarly, there is no excuse any more.

I'd love for higher quality (if it means fewer posts getting curated, so be it) work to be promoted here. It seems minnows are getting pats on the back for substandard work.

Don't get me wrong, there has been some great work curated here, but its becoming quite hit and miss.



Thanks for pointing the spelling mistakes!

Thanks, OCD. Thanks for replying and take care :)


How posts are written and if the grammar is correct does not equal to the quality of the post.

I'd love for higher quality (if it means fewer posts getting curated, so be it) work to be promoted here.

Take that up with bots selling votes to any content.

How post are written is a HUGE contributor to the quality of the post. This is a ridiculous statement. That's like watching a video of someone muttering and grunting at the camera and claiming that it doesn't affect the video quality.

What a stupid thing to say. I stand by my original post. I purchase votes for my content because it deserves it. I go over it with a fine toothed comb to ensure it is high quality work. Now, will everyone enjoy or relate to it ? No. Will everyone agree with my opinions? I don't expect them to. What I hope is that someone comes into my work understanding what I mean and what the purpose of the article is about - through grammar, spelling and punctuation- and proof reading!

However, when you can't even have enough respect for your audience to bother to edit your work and re-read it, that's where I draw the line. It's disrespectful and a slap in the face to anyone who has take the time in their life to learn how to read.

Let's EDIT people!


Will everyone agree with my opinions? I don't expect them to.

How post are written is a HUGE contributor to the quality of the post.

Good. I don't believe that a few grammatical mistakes here and there alter the quality of the post all that much. The posts are often about a number of diverse things such as art, music, introduction posts, etc.

Are you saying an artist who has a great amount of talent is posting low quality posts because he hasn't been able to learn proper grammar?

You wrote your signature with a low case N earlier, btw and you write your titles with upper case on each word, what a stupid thing to do.


Talk about nit-picking.

If you're happy reading substandard work, that's your prerogative. I won't be upvoting a post that has glaring errors within the first sentence.

Grammar and punctuation aren't the only factors but often go hand in hand with work that isn't proof read and often doesn't make sense in parts.

Your rudeness isn't earning an upvote. I'm simply being objective with possibly a little bit too much passion.

Talk about nit-picking.

Indeed, so annoying, right?

I wasn't the one that started off with being rude, I told you my opinion on grammar and that I don't think it matters all too much how curators from all over the world write these posts - it's the content and nominations they are promoting that matter which most of the time aren't about writing but diverse content.

Your rudeness isn't earning an upvote.

Oh no, I was really hoping you'd buy me an upvote.

You had to have your two cents.

Actually, you didn't need to reply to my comment at all. I was commenting on OCD's post, not yours.

Some people can't help but need their voices heard as reactionary responses to another's commentary.

It might just be time to leave this thread alone. You've more than had your say and enoughs enough.

Thanks for the conversation.