DREAM does not guarantee success, but without dreams Never dreams can be successful.!!!!!!!

in #new6 years ago


The longer the total honesty is delayed, the more burdensome the burden of mind, the guilt, and the fear that prevents us.

Do not hate those who say bad things to bring you down, because they make you stronger every day.

Sometimes, you think someone has changed without you realizing it's happening because he's starting to mature.

a person's greatness is not measured by his strength, but is measured by how he stands up whenever he falls. So you yourself that when someone loves, you need not be afraid if he will find you not the person he wants to love.

The most dangerous feeling is envy, because envy giving birth to hatred and hatred will kill you slowly.

No matter what your life is like, you always have the choice to see from the good side or the bad side.

Do not be happy for what we get, but be happy for what we can share.

Do not always say "there's still time" or "later". Do it immediately, use your time wisely.

Life is too short if only regret. Live only once, but if used well, just once! Life is not just looking for the best, but more to accept the fact that you are you. Be yourself.

The wise man is the one who knows whom to trust. The wiser is the one who is always trustworthy.

Wake up! Complaining will not solve anything. Complaining only adds to the heart's weight. Stop complaining, act immediately! Do not make yesterday's failure as an obstacle today.

The spirit to make tomorrow better, through today. The act is a reflection of the heart. If the heart is filled with goodness, then attitude and actions will be good, and vice versa.

The lazy man has thrown away the God-given opportunity, when God has never created anything in vain. Do not value people from the past because we all are not living there.

Everyone can change, let them prove it. Make the intelligence as a happiness together, so as to increase the sense of sincerity grateful for success.

Sometimes you have to make a decision to give in, or you will lose the one you love just because you are stubborn. In love, when there is something different, do not look for who is wrong, because you and he are the same team with the same goal.

The one who can control his emotions is the winner of true life. Experience is not what happens to you, but what you do for what happens to you. Actually the challenge is not to manage time but to manage ourselves.

You know what should not be done when you "fail". So you are creating new knowledge and it is not a failure. It's easier to do things right than to explain why you did not do it right.

Often you hesitate to say what's in your heart because you're not sure he'll listen to you. All the joy that exists in this world comes from our actions to be concerned with others.

Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we regret what we have not yet accomplished. Men, If the woman is angry, take her shopping or to the salon. Undoubtedly his anger disappeared immediately.

Although hurt many times, wise women can still forgive and become stronger like a rock. Good food offered to a man who is angry, will muffle his anger.

Keep your passion for life smile the less fortunate people out there who are fighting for their lives