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RE: Youth (2015) or How to explain what has no name

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

"Often critics say this is a boring film" -

Wow, that really surprises me, someone can say it about this movie :D
I have the same experience like you from the first to the last minute. It is shame that I watch it only one time, but I have to fix this mistake.And for me, this movie is several classes above Sorrentino other movie "The Great Beauty". One of my favorite scenes in the movie is the one you put it on the picture with the cows and the symphony he created from the chaos, I will remember it forever.

However, the movie has so many topics that explode your head for two hours both visually and as messages. Just a brilliant movie. The metaphors of life, meaning, beauty, art, self-seeking wishes for success are infinite.
And I will not forget the fray with the awkward, tired, "dying" world symbol - Maradona, who walks heavily past the pool, and behind him a young, blond girl pulls his cart with oxygen! Rarely real cinema! Brutal talent in every detail!

And thanks that you share "Simple Songs" I have been hearing it for 20 minutes :D


Yessss that scene with the cows is weirdly magical!

However, the movie has so many topics that explode your head for two hours both visually and as messages.

Exactly! That's why I don't understand why its so underrated...there's so many points and details where you can find inspiration and empathize with. Maybe is just because people were expecting a second Great Beauty, and this one simply sings a different tune.