Making Money With Money! How You Are Getting Screwed By GOVERNMENTS and BANKS!

in #money7 years ago


Has Money become a commodity and bypassed the real economy?
Today you hear that you need to invest to make money. Or you need to beat inflation.

While these above statements are entirely correct, it shows that we have finally entered the last phase of the falling dollar global reserve currency.

The money changers have taken over the world, and both the vibrant businesses and the people working in them is not needed anymore as you can make money with money!!

The age of darkness is upon us if we continue to let the FIAT Currency system last any longer. It is time to gather and help each other understand how vital a real and a free economy looks like. If you created something of value like a product, food or were mining a material don’t you agree that you should get paid for that skill accordingly to how much demand it was for what you were doing?


Today we are not in need of people that make something or a real economy of commodities that are important to us. No, we only need money to make more money. If you have money, you can leverage that money aka. Take out a loan out of thin air to invest in something like a paper stock or even crazier a derivative of a derivative of a derivative of the bet on that stock to go up or down in value. The FIAT Currency has fully digested the last need for the human being to create something of real value to grow the world to become a better place.

Before I go deeper into this topic, I would like to make a point that commodities are way more important than any money as we need many commodities to survive. Water, food, wood and concrete for shelter, oil, wind or gas for energy and more. We tend to become disillusioned about reality when greed kicks in, and we will do whatever it takes to protect ourselves and leave anyone behind just to accumulate more and more of something.

That is where money is going, and it’s separation from an economy that only survives if something real is produced to make it live, that is when you have entered into the space of no return, and a hole has been dug so deep that you can never get out of it without dying.

We are headed in the direction of the death of “Money” or FIAT Currency as it should be called. With no resemblance to any real value the dollar, yen, euro and pound are heading for another hole and their death as many hundreds of similar currencies before them. When you do not need to provide value to society to earn currency, you have then given the power over to elites that control the world by controlling the monetary system. The can make money with money, and suddenly millions of people are laid off. On top of that to make you not revolt, you are put in slave labour camps like Wall Mart, Mc Donald’s and many other minimum wage companies.These companies survive by ting subsidies from a government who can’t even pay the bills of those grants as it has to continue to borrow money until people say enough!!!!

When governments get involved in deficit spending that is the next phase of the death of a FIAT Currency. Deficit Spending merely is meaning you spend more money than you own or you have maxed out your credit card. What do desperate people who have maxed out their credit cards do? They get a new credit card to pay the old one. That is precisely the way most countries governments work today, and they have no intention of stopping as if you have unlimited borrowing power it is hard to stop the addiction of something that is there for free and can be created out of thin air.


Humanity has not learned, and this system will fail soon again, but who will take the control? The Elites or the people? That is entirely up to you. If you let the economists, wealthy big corporations owners and politicians rule. You might as well go into the woods and disappear for good as these parasites will only continue to do what they used to do in the old FIAT Currency system that failed. Parasites of the system scything out good money out of the economy until the money that is left are worthless, and they have bought up the real economy of commodities and property worldwide.

We might see global governance in my lifetime if we don’t act soon! The IMF wants a global banking system, currency and governance over all countries. It is the ultimate of the parasitic banker's achievement that is waiting to happen as the other Central Banks of the world are maxing out on currency printing, and the gambling bankers need to be bailed bout in and out this time. The only Central Bank who sits on a clean balance sheet is the IMF which has Special Drawing Rights in place already! SDR’s is world money and was as recently used as the banking crisis of Ukraine used as a borrowing instrument that will get paid back to the IMF with clauses that might take away peoples freedom and destroy the country so elites can rule.

I believe in an uprising from people who want a real economy and real control over their life. Letting government control you only make things worse and enabling central planners of banking control you by printing money and forcing you to borrow from them to buy a car or a house making you a permanent job slave as people have been conditioned to pay back their debt before anything.


What is the solution to the current failing system?

It is most probably not the same system. And don’t let the people in power convince you by electing them they will solve the problem. There are options out there right now that are very valid, maybe not the best, but they are better than what we have now! Create your community currency, but when creating it limit the supply by law that cannot be changed by anyone. If the economy grows, to make sure that you can divide the currency into smaller denominations so you won’t have to print money when more people use it. Use Bitcoin! Bitcoin has the same potential as above and has more and more people using it as it genuinely stores you value. The only downfall is that if you have Bitcoins now, those Bitcoins will have half of their value in 100 years when the bitcoin mining stops. But physical money Gold especially and also silvers as you cannot manipulate the real amount of physical metal. The price of these metals we see today is a highly managed price based on paper contracts sold in about 93 per physical metal available.


There is also the other side of thinking as well calling for total control of humans, but there is also someone calling for central authority, but giving humans all the incentive to create a better world. This type of system has never been tried. It calls for a lot of social engineering, and that is where I believe, people should be allowed to think freely and choose. That is why we at the economic truth has built a webpage where you can discover all your options. You can see them at

Here are some charts that prove me right on that we just need money to make money:








History can teach us a lot. A FIAT Currency caused the French Revolution called the Assignats. Here is a brief history of what happened before, during and after the French revolutionary war as a reminder that it will happen again!!

French Revolution
The decimal “franc” was established as the national currency by the French Revolutionary Convention in 1795 as a decimal unit (1 franc = 10 decimes = 100 centimes) of 4.5 g of fine silver. There was slightly less than the livre of 4.505 g, but the franc was set in 1796 at 1.0125 livres (1 livre, three deniers), reflecting in part the past minting of sub-standard coins. Silver coins now had their denomination marked as “5 FRANCS,” and it was made obligatory to quote prices in francs. It ended the ancient régime’s practice of striking coins with no stated denomination, such as the Louis d’or, and periodically issuing royal edicts to manipulate their value regarding money of account, i.e. the Livre tournois.

Coinage with specific denominations in decimal fractions of the franc also began in 1795.[6] Decimalization of the franc was mandated by an act of 7 April 1795, which also dealt with of weights and measures. France led the world in adopting the metric system, and it was the second country to convert from a non-decimal to a decimal currency, following Russia’s conversion in 1704,[7] and the third state to adopt a decimal coinage, also following the United States in 1787.[8] France’s first decimal coinage used allegorical figures symbolizing revolutionary principles, like the coinage designs the United States had adopted in 1793.


The circulation of this metallic currency declined during the Republic: the old gold and silver coins were taken out of circulation and exchanged for printed assignats, initially issued as bonds backed by the value of the confiscated goods of churches, but later declared as legal tender currency. The withdrawn gold and silver coins were used to finance wars and to import food, which was in short supply.

As during the “Mississippi Bubble” in 1715-20, too many assignats were put in circulation, exceeding the value of the “national properties,” and the coins, due also to military requisitioning and hoarding, rarefied to pay foreign suppliers. With national government debt remaining unpaid, and a shortage of silver and brass to mint coins, confidence in the new currency declined, leading to hyperinflation, more food riots, severe political instability and termination of the First French Republic and the political fall of the French Convention. There followed the economic failure of the Directoire: coins were still scarce. After a coup d’état that led to the Consulate, the First Consul progressively acquired sole legislative power at the expense of the other unstable and discredited consultative and legislative institutions.

French Empire and Restoration


In 1800 the Banque de France, a federal establishment with a private board of executives was created and commisioned to produce the national currency. In 1803, the Franc germinal (named after the month Germinal in the revolutionary calendar) was established, creating a gold franc containing 290.32 mg of fine gold. From this point, gold and silver-based units circulated interchangeably by a 1:15.5 ratio between the values of the two metals (bimetallism) until 1864, when all silver coins except the 5 franc piece were debased from 90% to 83.5% silver without the weights changing.

This coinage included the first modern gold coins with denominations in francs. It abandoned the revolutionary symbols of the coinage 1795, now showing Napoleon in the manner of Roman emperors, first described as “Bonaparte Premier Consul” and with the country described as “Republique Française.” The Republican pretense faded fast. In 1804 coins changed the obverse legend to Napoleon Emperor, abandoning his family name in the manner of kings. In 1807, the reverse legend altered to describe France as an empire, not a republic. In analogy with the old Louis d’or these coins were called Gold Napoleons. Economically, this sound money was a great success, and Napoleon’s fall did not change that. Succeeding governments maintained Napoleon’s weight standard, with changes in design which traced the political history of France. In particular, this currency system was retained during the Bourbon Restoration and perpetuated until 1914.

The French Revolution in storytelling mode by Max Keiser and James Turk of Gold Money.

Let this be a lesson for all of you on how history repeats itself!! Winston Churchill said, “the further you could look back into the past the further you can look into the future!!”


And to quote one last great mind Einstein “The definition of stupidity is doing something twice or repeatedly the same way and expecting a different result.”
If you hold your wealth in the paper, it will always go back to its intrinsic value zero. Voltaire said.

Join us at The Economic Truth to spread the truth about history and about what is happening today!! On Facebook, Twitter or our Web page:

John Thore Stub Sneisen

The Economic Truth


Good post. Why do you think the value of bitcoin will fall when the supply ends? That doesn't make any sense. It will be deflationary at that point so the value will go up relative to global GDP. Just rewatched this show about the central banks. Its such a good watch.

Intressant, tack John :)

Baksidan på det franska myntet från 1800 talet ser ut som den svenska en och femkronan såg ut innan senaste bytet...

1 KR 1981 (3).jpg

Det maa jeg si er veldig interessant. Det maa vaere at det svenske kongedoemme stammer fra napoleons linje.

Allting hänger ihop på något sätt. Du vet väl att Sverige startade den första centralbanken ? :)

Jepp. Paa 1600 tallet. Etter at doemme Palmstruck til doeden aar tidligere for aa gjoere det privat :)

John, the assignats didn't cause the 'revolution', they were introduced after in 1790.

Great article! I'm a history buff so I really enjoyed the part on the French Revolution and the Assignats; actually, I purchased one a couple of years ago and it is a nice artifact depicting the end of empire.


I also liked the way you began by stating that money should be something of value and how people now often mistake fiat as something with tangible value behind it. It's sad to see the masses so asleep.

As for solutions, don't forget the emergence of cryptos. You talked about 'Community currency'; well, this could also be done with Bitshares for instance where anyone can create a limited supply of tokens. And these custom tokens can even be pegged to either fiat or gold (of course I prefer gold). I wouldn't be surprised if the EOS platform also comes out with something similar (if not even better) as it is the same guy behind its creation: Dan Larimer.

As for other solutions on how the populous can restore monetary order, I'd recommend what is proposed in Restoring the Lost Republic (of the United States of America).

As for the IMF, well we all know what they are about!

Thanks again for the very informative article!

I've been looking to add them to my hyperinflation collection!

If you want to procure some, have a look at Galerie Napoleon. When I bought a couple of years ago, they were less than half of what they are asking now. Inflation I guess :-)

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I just reposted my blog on steemit :)

Nice post, most people still do not get it, they do not even understand inflation.

Inflation is theft plain and simple.

I agree with your summation, we are definitely at the top of a burning building with this money printing. Scary to thing about what happens next...

Just prepare yourself and you wont be as worried :)

Has anyone here heard of the Zeitgeist movement? They actually have a solution to the problem of the monwtary system. It's usually referred to as a resource based economy and basically it's a currency-less system. We have the means to provide for everyone for free. We don't need to charge each other for the luxury of survival, we should cooperate like an actual society.

I have seen all of their videos. A great thought, but again you are forcing and needing to manipulate people to become a part of it. I am all for a RBE if you have it on a voluntary bases. If it becomes extremely successful then more people want to become a part of it. Just start it! I don't like their excuse when I ask why don't you set the system up they say you need all people and the world to be a part of it or it wont work. That is BS and I think the smart brains need to get started on it. I've seen some good Voluntaryist nation states starting and being worked on.

Great and well written article! It's so true that something created from nothing, eventually will be worth nothing.