Do You Want to Start Your Own Business?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Then here’s three books you have to read.

I’m preparing for a social media course tonight. 14 businesses are gathered to hear my advice on how to market a company. I’m super nervous.

I’m adding these book tips to the end of my presentation and I figured I’d share them with you guys too. I have shared some of the books before, but I also know I have some new followers who hasn’t seen these posts.

The number one book you should read before even considering starting a company is “The $100 Startup”. I really wished I read this before I got going.
But at least I realized that I had done some things right after reading it.


Take notice of the white and yellow, and the purple book. These two helped me tremendously with planning, productivity and prioritizing the right things.


My best advice for books:

• buy a new book every time you travel

• ask for books for Christmas or birthdays

• read more non fiction books

• borrow from friends and visit second hand stores

• give the book away to a friend that you think could benefit from reading it when you’re done.



Hei @Susanne
Noen gode bøker du har der. Har lest de fleste av dem.
Liker du slike bøker så kan jeg anbefale en amerikansk forfatter som heter Robert Kiyosaki. En av mine favoritter når det kommer til selvmotviasjon og hvordan man skal tenke som selvstendig næringsdrivende.
Ellers har jeg bøtter med andre forslag så bare hyl ut hvis du vil ha noe mer å lese :)


Thanks for the recommendation!!

These are some very good reads. I have the first book and read a few of the others. Thank you for the rest of the recommendations.

I always had this interest to start my own company but for some reason that really never happened! Maybe, it's time to dive into some of the books you posted about here and see what they make me feel!
Gave you a follow because rather interested to read more of your work!


Lykke til med presentasjonen, @susanne! Og takk for boktips :) Selv er jeg altfor dårlig på å lese ikke-fiksjon eller ikke-biologi-bøker, og jeg hadde egentlig hatt veldig godt av å prøve meg på flere slike typer bøker. Jeg tror jeg skal gi The $100 Startup en sjanse, så får vi se om denne typen bøker fungerer for meg!

Okumak gerçekten rahatlatıyor 🙋‍♀️

Thanks! Although my "books to read" list is growing out of hand now, I've added the 100$ startup. The others I will look into! Cheers

you have suggested some great a book lover ! i always prefer books as a gift and my friends anf family knows that so i get quite alot of books to read without spending too much on them.and yes old book shops comes in handy too.

thanks for sharing, really need to do what I love more, preparing myself to be more in a situation I like instead of working for a boss. goodluck with the course!

We've seen "The $100 Start-Up" in bookstores and have been tempted to buy it, but we are waiting until we really want to start our own business. Sam is still in his studies (finishes at the end of this year). Or shall we buy it and read it anyway? Pre-pre plan our business plan.
Thanks and good luck with your social media course tonight! All the best @susanne

Never hurts to buy it now and read it as many times as you need.