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RE: How the Matrix Controls You

in #life6 years ago

Nice show, as always!
Although i have a few comments (if i may):

At 8:02 - concerned to 'soma' - it was introduced in A. Huxley's "Brave New World", not in G. Orwell's "1984" (as you suggested).

At 20:55 - about 'anger' (from my own experience) - yes, anger is very powerful force - it may lead one directly to hell (exactly and metaphorically) ... if one let it. But if one is able to contemplate/meditate that state of anger (where it comes from, who creates it, and so on), then comes an understanding. It boils down to not give up the emotions (i'm going shortcuts). So, in the state of no emotions - but absolutely understanding - one can actually comprehend the 'real nature of things'. Being in such state one can really CREATE awesome 'things' (by transformation anger to wisdom).

About language (English and most current European) - they are all constructed by phonetics (sounds). As i see - ancients used symbols (visual, like runes or hieroglyphs - not concerned to vocabulary). I think (i know) that in the times of 'absolute knowledge' there wasn't any need of any books, papers, libraries or so (for what?) if there was everything accessed directly through connections of mind(s) ... and so there are no remains.

27:15 You stated: "Nobody has a clue what is going on this world..."
— No, i can't agree - someone (not just only one) actually has. And i know some of them (personally). Though, because of my imperfection i often don't understand them correctly. But they definitely are ... and i'm learning from them all the time - they are examples to follow :)

Thanks a lot for all you precious insight

P.S. Besides - everything is creation of (imperfect) mind.