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RE: How To Gain Financial Freedom!

in #life7 years ago

I love what you wrote:
“Don't be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone to become more financially free.”
I realy enjoy steemit comunit. If I hear financial freedom I think of being independent, such as business owner or like you successful steemien or a business women. I do own a small business and I can tell the difference between being employed and being it’s own boss.


Right? I feel the same way! A mix of our small businesses and Steemit will definitely get us that financial freedom.

@kaylinart This really got me going. The aspect Where the drift caught me was about this weekend thing with people. I have really sounded this enough to anybody that wants to hear it. Weekends are overated in this generation. People have this sense of rest and relazation even when they haven't put in qualiy effort into their live and business.

So far it is weekend, no work.

It's really sad.

Many say "all work and no play blah blah blah........."

It's a wrong mindset. I believe everyone deserves quality rests after having put in quality work, but that doesnt just have to be weekends. Like you said, not all the hours, but some can still be put to work earnestly.

Most times weekends are great way to learn other hings which your normal working routine (job or profession) may be taking away the opportunity. e.g learning a kanguage, a dance lesson, piano lessons, etc

Weekends trap don't get me anymore.