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RE: How close are you to your parents?

in #life7 years ago

I sooo love your transparency in this post. My father and I have always been close even though he has a new family and step kids. My mom and I fight like cats and dogs. We are truly oil and water and have different outlooks in life. My dad and I not only look alike but we have many personality traits that are similar. My mom is a very negative person and I am more positive. She looks at what’s wrong with something...I look at either accepting it or making it right. My dad and I both don’t like conflict, can be shy at times and stand up for what we believe. It’s amazing how different my relationships are with each of my parents.


Awwwn sorry about your mom..i have a friend that felt the same way you feel...most moms are just like that..we just have to accept them in good faith.and always pray for them..that is why we have individual differences