
Face recognition with Go – Hacker Noon

This article tells about the process of creation and usage face recognition library for Go language.

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How I designed an animated book store with JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS.

The last two of my tutorials dealt with CSS grid and flex. I wrote them so I could learn what the possibilities were and share my findings…

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How to use ECMAScript modules to build modular components in JavaScript

JavaScript modules are now supported by the browser. This means you can use this great addition in JavaScript, introduced by ECMAScript…

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Let’s explore objects in JavaScript – freeCodeCamp

Objects are dynamic collections of properties, with a “hidden” property to the object’s prototype.

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[PT] How to Build a Great Product with Just-in-Time UX and Design

Sari Griffiths discusses how they integrate designers and engineers to work together in order to take into consideration business, technical and user needs.

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EPD(E-Paper Display)를 만져보다.

EPD라는 전자 종이를 위해 만들어진 LCD를 테스트해봤다. 언제나... 소형 LCD 테스트엔 라이언 ㅎ...

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라즈베리 파이(Raspberry Pi) 텐서플로우(Tensorflow) 설치하기(쉽게)

이전에 라즈베리 파이에 텐서플로를 설치하는 방법을 다룬 적이 있다. 이때만 해도 텐서플로에서 공식 지원...

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생활 속의 암호학

네트워크의 발달로 다양하고 엄청난 양의 정보가 유통되고 있습니다. 이 정보 중에는 다양하게 공유되어야 할 정보들도 넘쳐나겠지만, 유출되면 개인의 사생활 보호를 위협 할 수 있는 다양한 개인정보, 기업의 흥..

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AWS Lambda + Serverless Framework + Python— Part 1 : A Step By Step “Hello World”

I am creating a series of blog posts to help you develop, deploy and run (mostly) Python applications on AWS Lambda using Serverless…

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How to build a flexible image uploader component using Vue.js 2.0

I’ve been coding with Vue.js 2.0 for about half a year now, and it’s pretty awesome.

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