Islamic Religion Teaching About the Human Spirit (part 3)

in #islamic6 years ago


Regarding Reincarnation is the transfer of spirits from one body to another as it is believed by Phytagoras, Socrates, Plato, Thales that is embraced by Hindus, Brahma, Buddhism, Kong Hu Tju and believed by the flow of Theosophies and Spiritism experts, is not is in the teachings of Islam, but is contrary to what Islam teaches.

The word of Allah in the letter of As-Sajdah verses 11 and 12:

"Say (O Muhammad): You will be raised up by the angels who are assigned to it, then you shall return to your Lord."

So after the death of the spirit immediately returned to God, not transferred to another body to live back in the world of this world.

Verse 12 :

"And it would be great if you witness the rebellious ones bow their heads before their Lord saying: O Lord, we have seen and heard, then bring us back to the world, we will do good deeds, now is convinced. "

Every dead and wicked man, then see the torment that is prepared for them, then they are convinced of the existence of a life after death, and then they beg the Lord to be returned to the world for virtue. It's God's word, it's not possible, because if they were returned to the world, they would have done bad and rebellious.

That's why the Reincarnation's belief is something that is not possible at all. Then, of course it means giving people an opportunity to repeatedly commit crimes in the world. For example look at the criminals and the thieves of the great caliber who have been repeatedly punished, having come out of their punishment again to do worse evil. God knows enough about this. Opinions about reincarnation are very dangerous and impossible.

In the letter Az-Zumar verses 58 and 59 God affirms:

"There should be no complaining when looking at the torment by saying: Would that if I returned to life in the world, I would do what was right."

(Listen sigh the Lord said :) "is not possible you returned life to the world, the reason for life in the world reached your verses me, so you lie, you proud and you reject it."

So it is not possible life will repeat 2 times in this world. Moreover, up to 3, 4, 5 times or more. There will be no point in despite reach 1000 times, but evil people will be fixed evil, unbelievers will remain infidelity, hypocrites will remain hypocrisy. Even will probably the evil, the Pagan, the hypocrisy, the arrogant. Beliefs about reincarnasi is an excellent damage.

Word of God letter an-naml verse 66:

"Even had broken their knowledge about the last, but they are in doubt about the hereafter it, but they are blind at all about the hereafter."

The text is directed to those who believe reincarnasi, an excellent damaged or blind at all about the hereafter actually.

Finished ............................

Source from the book HIDUP SESUDAH MATI, by H.Bey Arifin

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