Too Blind To See But Easy To Judge

in Steem Venezuela6 days ago (edited)


The world rotates and alot of things happens everyday, people are too blind to see the truth and accept but they are also quick to judge others without making further investigations, is a wicked world and we need to he careful. Today am here to write, this is part of me, this always reminds me of my part and am trying to create a come back but the more we grow the more responsibilities we get in life. Is a beautiful contest, which aims to strike engagement in this platform and I believe all will be well.

What you see (1)

I natural things, everything is clearly natural as is all about the natural things of life, I see brightness even though the day is getting dark as the sun is getting ready to substitute with the moon. The sky shying away because their time has passed for the day and they need to act according to the nature of life, this is what they do everyday.


Look at the birds with me, their movement shows that they are bright even though the birds aren't having a light skin at the moment and this is the reason I say I see brightness. Life is full of living creatures and the main characters of this image are the birds, am sure you understand my points friends I will keep on talking because I know you are interested. The movement of the birds shows progress, they are bright in the mind because they all know is time to go home.

What you feel

I feel natural, when we stay with corrupt and greedy human beings around us in this planet, we just need to take a moment during the evening hours of the day, to admire the sky and look at the birds who are departing home with a weak flight after the days stress.

I feel very excited because based on what am seeing, the natural things of the earth are still functioning but one day the will forever be gone. I feel calmness because there's peace when we relax and look at something as beautiful as this in reality. Life is too short so is important to look at beautiful and deep moments because they always take away our sorrows and keep us enlightened.

What you see (2)

I see improper fraction which led to negativity ok let me clear this to you dear friends, I can clearly see the sky, an ocean, sands on the land, some stones, mountains and also an alien. The reason I made the first statement about importer fraction is easy to detect if you focus on this photo very well.


Some of the things am seeing are only found in this planet. Is very improper for a creature to be alone in another planet. Yes he's only an alien when he goes to another planet that's why I said creature and not alien. The alien is feeling bad because he's at the wrong place alone and this is what I mean by improper fraction finally leading to negativity.

What you feel

I feel scared because if I had seen something like this in reality, I will even forget about the word steemit because I can't predict the next move of an alien, because of this I won't let him/her see me no matter what. I feel lonely, the alien is left alone and he feels bad because he never expected this. The principalities of life falls under aliens and not just humans Don't forget my quote.

I feel sad to, yes the reason this alien is lonely is because of something sad. It is either his fellow creatures threw him to earth because they must have made earth a befitting exile for this alien or this alien came to earth but his comrades are all killed by humans and he's left alone. I will also say I feel sad because this alien must have been abandoned and betrayed by his comrade. There are so many feelings in this photo friends.

I feel relieve as well because if this alien is actually wrong and he has been facing alot of punishments, he has finally seen the need to repent and he's ready to be good, he has learnt alot of lessons and deserves forgiveness. This alien should be given a second chance because I think if he was a bad guy, he's finally sober and no longer full of pride.

I invite @smartlouis, @marito74, @walictd and @o1eh to participate in this contest.

Last two image source


@wakeupkitty and @inspiracion


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Task 1 of Lesson 1 is very simple all you had to is to describe the pictures and next you describe what you feel. So a text, story or.. is not asked.

Why we describe? To reset the way of thinking. Have a look at the first entry of @joslud he explains very well what to do and how we reset our way of thinking.

The hashtags used are not like mentioned in task 1.

Please, have a look. The deadline for task 1 also passed. You can do task 2 and 3 and step in on Monday with lesson 1.

The report you can find in the comment section.

I read your title and it comes with expectations. Next I read

Happy weekend steemians
. The weekend is finally here and I have alot of role to play this weekend, I will be very busy this weekend just the way I was busy during the week but glad I always had time to rest. Yes am here to write, this is part of me, this always reminds me of my part and am trying to create a come back but the more we grow the more responsibilities we get in life. Is a beautiful contest, which aims to strike engagement in this platform and I believe all will be well.

This piece of text is not interesting or inviting. At the time I read your text, I forgot about the title. Write this kind of text underneath your content or story.

Oh I thought all the tasks will be ending tomorrow.

Oh just description, hmm I thought it should be something wider but anyway is ok.

As for my first state I will have to change it, i didn't really pay much attention to it because I wrote it before editing the image. Corrections will be made now.

This is meant for everyone so we start with the basics but this is also a great "trick' if you suffer from a writer's block. You take a picture and describe what you see in detail without making assumptions... next you try to mention the feelings.

By the time you did that (also describe little details for example if you have an old photo you can say it is torn) a story, poem or certain thought might be shown. If not simply start writing about whatever you think of. In many cases it's good except for the start which you can delete.

Alright 👍
I will just have to correct the intro

Dear Free Writer,

We are very happy that you have joined #wewrite and we hope that you have fun writing together. What you write is a learning experience for all of us and feedback is important. Also, read your comments, they can be very useful. Below you will find the review of your publication.
We thank you for participating in We-Write.

What went well - 1 point-
What to improvesee comment
Misunderstandingtaks 1
Title - 2 point1
Hashtags - 1 points-
A flashy start - 2 points1
Creativity / out-of-the-box thinking - 3 points2
Following the rules - 1 point-
AI text is forbidden-
Verification date:September 14, 2024

Note: the deadline for Task 1 passed

All good? - You could be nominated for the 5 best of the week.
