Digital image for the day (your writing story competition(109) contest by @xpilar .......entry by @the-patriarch: LEARN FROM THE CALM WATERS

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

It is another Digital image for the day story writing constest powered by @xpilar and I am so glad to participate in this contest.

Digital image of the day by @xpilar

Tunde Marcus Aremu(jnr.) stood at the shore looking at the calm lake and it brought back so many memories, both beautiful and very ugly memories, but then that is what makes life, the ups and the downs and he has had his fair share of both.

Today he is standing here with his son Jide Marcus Tunde(jnr.) and he remembered how just like yesterday, his own father had brought him to this same lake years ago during a very beautiful sunset and had taught him some very important life lessons using that beautiful scenery of the sunset.

For a few minutes the old man was silent just watching and admiring the beauty before him while his son stood beside him quiet as well wondering why his father has brought him here.

After a few minutes he called his son in that calm tone which the boy knows he only uses when he is discussing serious business.

Jide my son, he called him, look around you what do you see, and the boy said he can see the very calm waters of the lake and the old man smiled, and said very beautiful son, the very calm waters of the lake, I love the way you described it.

Now son pick up a stone and throw on any part of the water you wish, the young man did so and he said again, the boy once again picked up another stone and threw at the waters without asking any questions.

The old man turned to his son and said, you see before you threw a stone at the lake, the waters were calm, but when you threw the stone, there were some ripples, after which there was calm once more, even though the stone is still inside the water.

In life my son, always be like the lake, be as calm as you can be, never allow the things people do to make you loose your calm, never allow the hurdles and the worries of life to destabilise you, those are the stones of life.

In all always swallow them up and maintain your calm, though there would be ripples, do not let the ripples last forever, I have raised you to be strong and there is no strength in chaos rather you display the greatest strength through calm.

Who would ever believe that the stone that caused the ripples is still inside the lake yet with the stone in there, it has gone back to its very beautiful calm nature, that is strength my son.

Today I hand over the torch of this family to you just like my father did years ago on this same shore when he told me to learn from the sunset, today my son I charge you to learn from the calm waters.

Jide looked at his father with respect marvelled at the wisdom of the old man and then he smiled and said to him, father I would not let this torch die down in my hands and hopefully someday, I too would hand it over to Jide Jnr. my son.

Hope you all enjoyed the read, Thanks @xpilar for the opportunity given to us to express ourselves.


Until I come your way again
I am @the-patriarch
Thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

Good writing!!!

Thanks bro, happy you enjoyed the read