Put Your Future Into Consideration

in WORLD OF XPILAR13 days ago

One of the major reasons why a lot of people act the way they like is because they do not consider their tomorrow in their actions of today. You need to know that every single action you take today will definitely have effects and consequences; if not immediately, it might be later. When you understand that your actions are not without effects, it will guide you on the right actions to take. The truth is that what you do today is like sowing a seed. And you all know what is the result of sowing a seed; it will bring harvests. So act with tomorrow in consideration.


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The reason behind the ills that are happening to a lot of people are as a result of actions or inactions of the past. Believe me, you cannot do the wrong thing and expect a right result. As a matter of fact, what you get is a result of what you have done. It is worth noting that tomorrow and the future are not just delivered by chances, they are created by the actions of today. This is exactly the same way that the actions of the past and of yesterday have created the present, so also the present will create tomorrow.

Before you make a choice of your actions or choose not to act, try to ask yourself what the consequences of the intended action or inaction will be. You can determine your actions of today, but the results of tomorrow are beyond your power to determine. If you want to have a good tomorrow, then you have to take the responsibility of undertaking the necessary good actions today. Before you envy the person you see as doing so well, try to find out the kind of sacrifices they had made in the past. This will give you an insight of what needs to be done.

Before you talk about the prize, be sure to have paid the necessary price. Whatever you want to get as a prize has its attached price to pay. However you want your tomorrow to be will definitely place an obvious responsibility on you to take the actions that will create it. Just like in computing, the input is what determines and creates the output; in what is referred to as "garbage-in-garbage-out." In the same way, your output in life is fundamentally a function of your input. It is true that chances can happen in life, but you should not live you life hoping on chances to happen because it may not be as you have intended it to be or it may even take time.

I once met someone that made some certain exposition about life to me and it taught me lessons about planning ahead. He told me that a night before each day, he will take pen and write down all the activities he will undertake for the next day in his diary. So that when he wakes up in the morning, he would have already known what to do and how to do it. When I took a look at his life, I found it worthwhile and he has achieved so much in his field of endeavour. When he taught me this, I learnt and applied it to my own schedules and I got the same good result. Of course, if you do what someone has done in the same manner as they have done it, you will also achieved the person's order of results.


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When you learn to put tomorrow into perspective when you want to take actions, you will be more intentional with your life and you will not live by chance but by choice. It is worthy to note that the sum total of your actions of the past and the present is what will give birth to what your tomorrow and your future will look like. If you want your life to be patterned in a particular fashion, then you do not have to wish it, but you have to take the require steps to see it fulfilled. You may have a dream or an idea, but if your steps and actions are not aligned towards that particular dream, then it will not be fulfilled. Always have in mind that if you do not consciously create the kind of future that you want by your actions, then you will be at the mercies of the actions of others, which may not work well with you.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all