Going Forward By Taking Steps

in WORLD OF XPILAR11 days ago

There was a time I registered with a gym in the place close to my neighbourhood, so that I can be going there to build some muscles and have six-packs. The first few days I got there, I was unwilling to go through the rigors of bodybuilding, so I did not do much. After about a week, my coach came to me and said "if you must achieve you desired body, then you have to take the steps." He went further to motivate me that it is by taking steps that you will be able to achieve anything worthwhile. That was the time I realised that you can only earn the prize after you have fulfilled the price. So I decided to put actions and make the required sacrifice and I was happy with the result. In life, to make progress and to go forward, you must take steps.


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Anything of value that you want to do will definitely come with its attached cost to pay. If you want to get a good result in school for example, the cost is that you will bend your head and study extensively. As a matter of fact, you cannot expect an output from what you have not already had an input. As a farmer for example, the level of the harvest you will expect is almost entirely dependent on the kind of actions you have taken in the planting season. If you plant the seeds bountifully and observe all the required and necessary farm practices, you will get a bountiful harvest.

In life, you have to know that you should take full responsibility and be intentional for what you want to achieve. It is true that some other people may help you or provide assistance to you in diverse ways, but the bulk of the responsibility certainly revolves around you. Take this instance; someone might help you to prepare food and may even dish it to you, but if you do not take the food and eat, you may remain hungry. This is why a lot of people can be faced with opportunities and may not even be aware of the opportunities and may even be complaining of lack of opportunity because they have not taken any step. This goes to prove the statement that was made by one of my friends "you can be beside the water and still be thirsty if you refuse to take a step to draw from the water."

I have come to understand that in life, the major challenge is not lack of opportunity because there are more opportunities than you can ever think of, but the major challenge is taking advantage of these opportunities. Of course, there is no way to take advantage of opportunities if you are not a doer. Whatever you want to get as a result will have a duty that is placed on you to first have an input. That is, it is the input that you have first put in place that will generate the output.


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If you have a knowledge of science and of physics, you may probably have heard of the Newton's 1st law of motion. It explains the fact that an object will only move if a force is acted on it, otherwise it will remain at its state of rest. This law does not only apply to science and physics but in other aspects of life. In life for example, if you want something to work, then you must work it out yourself. If you do not put actions into your dreams, then do not expect it to be actualized. If you do not take steps towards your ideas, they will remain as just mere ideas. It is the step you take that will ultimately move you forward.

However, you have to understand that while taking steps, they should be relevant and timely. Taking steps just for the sake of taking steps may not profit you. Your steps have to be right, done rightly, and then done at the right and appropriate time - this is only when it will be worthwhile. If you want something to work for you, then you should know that responsibility is laid on you to take a step and do it the right way. Always have in mind that the result of your life is dependent on the cumulative actions and steps you have taken so far.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all