I am ashamed and I am saying it outloud!

in WORLD OF XPILAR15 days ago

Bulgarians often complain how expensive life is in the country.

People on mainstream social media frequently share price comparisons of the same product in Germany and Bulgaria. Or UK and Bulgaria. Usually, it's not in favor of Bulgaria, sometimes the price differences are big.

Stuff as cheese. Or sunflower oil. Or pork meat. All used a lot in the local cuisine and thus good as points of reference.

In the last days, lots of media coverage is targeting the so called "border chaos" and large international transport companies, mainly based in our neighbors, Greece and Turkey are working on solutions to bypass Bulgarian territory. Here is a link to a news article, if you fancy being more informed: https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/turkey-and-greece-seek-bypass-around-bulgarian-transport-chaos/

Now, those two, you may say, are two separate issues.

They may seem like it is, but actually, there is one HUGE common denominator.


What journalists call "chaos" in this article, is actually well planned, organized and executed mafia business that has been running for more than 30 years, if not more.

I am really, really so ashamed of all that is happening on our borders.

It is not only the huge delays for the transport companies. They are charged with ridiculous fees as disinfection (driving through a puddle of water) that costs ten of EUR but then the bank payment fee is another 10 EUR. If drivers try to pay with a card then all the devices are "temporary" out of order... You will guess correctly that it is only one specific chosen bank and there is no other option to pay.

Another shameful and "modern" tactics is the obligatory waiting time at private parking places near the border points, where Bulgarian lorry drivers are charged 15 BGN (that's about EUR 7.5) while foreign lorry drivers are charged 50 BGN (that's EUR 25).

I am quite sure prices based on nationality are not legal in EU. The big question is how the local authorities allow for all that to still happen. Well, I guess, you figure the answer to that and it is again that big word above...

Do you see now one of the reasons prices here are bigger than in the countries with less corruption? Cause I see it, clearly.

There is one simple solution to fixing that problem, at least for two borders - the Greek and the Romanian ones. Earlier this year Bulgaria and Romania have been accepted into the Schengen zone, but only on water and by air. On the roads...still the old nightmare.

Austria is the last country that blocks the two counties from being bully accepted. They say their reason for the blockage is there is too much corruption and chaos. Now isn't that a Catch 22?

This all deeply saddens me. Bulgaria is such a beautiful country. Bulgarians are genuinely warm and hospitable people. Bulgarians are creative and innovative as well.

Sea, tens of mountains, hundreds of rivers; rich history going back to the Romans, Thracians and even before; culture, architecture; four seasons; fruitful lands; limitless opportunities.

We have these all. But... Still, lots of "buts"...

Those centuries of time under tyranny have thought us to keep it to ourselves and not stick our noses into the business of the others around. However, this isn't healthy at all. You know, bad things happen because good people do nothing.

It is time for a change and the change comes from within all us!

Here is a series of photos I took in Bulgaria:











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Have a great day!

Here is an uncomplete list of some of my equipment I use on a regular basis:

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Canon EOS M5
Canon EOS 550D
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Canon EF-M 15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM
Canon EF-M 22mm f/2 STM
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8
7artisans 35mm f/1.2
StrobesDynaphos Speedster
Tripods and Mono-podsManfrotto

The divider I use in my posts I have created in Adobe Express.


Your photos reminded me of that skit with a very famous Bulgarian actor who says something like: Eh, what nature we have, something incredible! However, in winter I don't leave the house because I'm very cold. In the summer I go to the sea in Greece, I go on gastro tours in Serbia, because the food there is tastier and better quality, I buy everything else, as well as medicine from Turkey, because everything is much better quality and cheaper there, even the medical services. But, eh, what nature we have, something amazing!

To be honest, in my recent conversations with acquaintances and strangers, I am reminded of past facts, events and traditions in our life that terrify me - the constantly galloping prices and the constant attempts of all kinds of state institutions, as well as agencies under the care of the state or by somehow related to it, to rob us, at every step, in every stage of life.

And when you say "You will guess correctly", I'm not sure that the people of a humane country could imagine how a certain group of people at the top took advantage of the poverty and hopelessness of the people to rob them, pouring out their money in his own pocket, forcing payment for everything, even the most absurd, inventing the most absurd fees for everything. Then come the foreign investors who quickly or slowly absorb the same mentality and become worse than their teachers...

I disagree with one thing in your text. Bulgarians are not warm and hospitable people. If they were like that, I wouldn't be afraid, for example, to ask something in a group otherwise created for mutual help on various topics, or at the very least, I would get some kind of answer to my question. Have you noticed how many people in the country wear red threads on their wrists? It is because we are very good and help each other, maybe. Personally, I am afraid of what a compatriot might do to me. Here or abroad.

 13 days ago 

I'd say, what you state is valid for all the countries, no matter which continent they are.
It's just the volume of shit is bigger here. People do ugly stuff everywhere.

Thank you for your comment!

P.S. My daughter told me long time ago "Facebook is for old people."

I would refine that saying that Facebook is for old grumpy people. I wouldn't search for any life-related advice there even if that's the last social network on Earth.

In a world that, despite technology, suffers from a lack of information, FB (you guessed correctly it's about it) is still a place where you can look for it (albeit with the risk of encountering misinformation - everything must be checked properly and several times). I haven't written this network off as an option yet, maybe because there is no alternative. ChatGTP (AI in general)? No, the probability of coming across wrong information or being refused a reply is even greater. Anyway, this is my personal stuff, not the topic of the post at all. But I'm wondering: Which network does your daughter use since FB is for old people? Maybe Insta, Tiktok, where nonsense and scam are in even greater quantities?

Regarding the main topic: "People do ugly stuff everywhere.", but here it is really in particularly large proportions that it makes you sick. And the main, masochistic activity of the people in this country is to observe with calmness how a handful of people gobble up what is left to gobble up from the bone that they always cannot separate, fight over it, attack each other with insults and accusations. The poor people just stand and watch. This sums up life in the country.

 11 days ago 

If FB is THE source of information, then we' re really doomed...

While I agree on most of the topics in your comment, I better not reply as it would be too negative :)))

Thank you :)

You don't understand. We're doomed anyway. Yesterday, I contacted a law firm about a question. I think the information they have given me is the most confusing and contradictory I have ever had. And this is not FB.
When I start looking for the answer to something, I am prepared that it will take time, that it will be total chaos at first, that no one will know the answer, that I will get 10 different opinions from 10 different sources.
Fortunately, I live in Bulgaria and I'm used to it.😂

 9 days ago 

We're doomed by design, we all know we won't live forever, so what? Life goes on. We shouldn't pass on and reject all the pleasures in search for a possible paradise in the unforeseeable future.
You're right, I don't understand so many things :)

Thank you!

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 13 days ago 

Much appreciated, your support means a lot!

Beautiful, Corrupt but could be worse.

Example: Today, President Trump announced hundreds of billions of dollars are missing from the Federal Treasury each year because of fraud and waste and nobody knows where it went.

So when elected, Trump will create a commission headed by Elon Musk to find all the fraud and missing money which will cause prices and national debt to drop like a rock, "Goodbye Anonymous Goodbye"

 14 days ago 

Похоже, что ты один в Болгарии поднимаешь тему коррупции.
Самих коррупционеров всё устраивает ...
Бюрократия и коррупция не имеют национальности и границ, это что-то вроде принципа действия существующего социума.

 13 days ago 

Oh, I am sure almost everyone complains when they face corruption. Then, in few hours it is all forgotten as people generally don't care. Moreover, there are too many having their income depend on wrongdoings.

Yesterday the government stated on the national TV they are starting inspections of those private truck parking places I mentioned. They are definitely trying to dumb everyone out as there was a similar inspection launched in April and they they found nothing and reported nothing. Now they "start" it. Probably just another way to hire more "our" people to spend state money for doing nothing.

Now here is a popular Bulgarian proverb "Всяко чудо за три дни." ;) Literally translated, that would be "Every miracle lasts three days".

 12 days ago 

Да, любая новость активна 3 дня. У нас это тоже замечено. На ум не приходят поговорки, но какие-то точно есть.
Мы сами поддерживаем коррупционеров, ведь проще поставить "бутылку коньяка" нужному человеку и решить свой вопрос. И таких желающих много.
Всё тоже самое происходит и на "верхних этажах" ...

 12 days ago 

Oh, if only a bottle of brandy was enough :)))
This reminds me of the time when I was a student at the university, I was living for four years in a state owned boarding-house.
There was this woman, managing it all, the position was called "Домакин", and as there was always room for improvements (very poor interior), we had to often go to her with some requests.

This is one of her responses:

"I don't drink flowers or chocolate!"

This speaks volumes, doesn't it?

 12 days ago 

"Я не пью цветы и шоколад!"👍 🤣 😂😅
Я не беру взятки борзыми щенками.
Спасибо в стакан не нальёшь.
Есть ещё много "смешных" выражений, но сейчас они не приходят в голову :)

 11 days ago 

It seems alcohol actually makes us all more creative? :P :D

 11 days ago 

🤣 😂😅🍄

 13 days ago 

Indonesia is also witnessing more or less the same thing in terms of skyrocketing prices of goods. In many public discussions, it is mentioned that the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, and the group in between is also getting smaller in numbers, joining the poor. Corruption is one popular answer when this situation is questioned.

There are always those who are.

@lightcaptured. If you don't mind, I will publish a link to this article on our WOX channel on Telegram, https://t.me/woxchannel.

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 13 days ago 

I am not surprised to read your comment.
Corruption exists everywhere, it's just that people in some of the countries manage to keep it a bit under control. That gap between the richest and the poor, is, I believe, a good indicator of a country level of corruption and probably, crimes too. That applies for all the countries, right? ;)

Thank you!

 13 days ago 



 12 days ago 

Indeed, we all haven't changed in the last century. Or not at the better direction...
Have a great Sunday!

 12 days ago 

You too.

 13 days ago 

Thank you very much!