Fruits and decay: Autumn nature photo dumpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR13 days ago (edited)

Today I participate in WoX photo contest with this simply charming week topic: 'Autumn'.
More details on the contest here:

You might be surprised to hear that during the summer season I paid a little attention to macro photography. Most of the time during my walks I borrowed with me #wideangle (for architecture purposes) or 200mm lens (for #streetphotography). After reading the topic of the week, I shook the dust off my macro lens and went out for a little autumn nature treasures hunting. Of course, I would love to visit the autumn forest - right at the moment we having wonderful warm weather, a real Indian summer!

You see, autumn is really a wonderful season for macro photography. You may not meet many insects, but under every leaf there can be a mushroom (even in the city!), and even if you do not find mushrooms - leaves ... yellow, crimson, orange, brown, dry, wet, hanging forlornly from the branches, soaking in puddles, covering paths in the park with a golden carpet, flying up in heaps into the air in the palms of the merry public - all these are wonderful subjects. Let's not forget about berries, seeds, fruits... Autumn generously supplies us with its gifts. Unfortunately, I was forced to limit my walk to the nearest yard. And look what I found there!


Apples... a goldmine of small bright aromatic apples that are scattered on the ground and rotting. Of course, nobody gonna pick up and utilize them.


Acorns. Loads of acorns. Millions of acorns!


Mushrooms... The area has a lot of champignons and puff-balls. This one already completed its cycle and life goal: released the spores into air.


Acorns may be very attractive. They are glossy, colourful, picturesque.


...and give life to little oak trees. The scene of a young oak sprouting from an acorn is so touchy, I can never pass it by without taking a picture, lol.


Some flowers are still in bloom, though there are not too many - but I dont see any pollinators, it is too much cold for them, suppose their life cycle is finished already. A funny thing - yesterday I witnessed a wasp. Guess where? It visited me in the night! To be precise, it visited not me particularly, but the dish with some sweet smelling halva that was sitting on my table! Since the wasp lives in the city, it tried to get food not from nature, but from humans, lol. Seriously speaking, wasps do not neglect anything, and autumn nature is not so generous, so ... they have to rely on humans, might be so. And the fact that the visit took place late at night, when hard-working insects (and people too) are supposed to sleep... still fills me with respect for this wasp serious attitude and labouriosity.


Вы наверное удивитесь, но в течение прошедшего лета я мало внимания уделял макро фотографии, обычно во время прогулок моя камера имела привинчеными объективы 50мм или 200мм. Прочитав тему недели, я снова достал с полки мой макро объектив и вышел на охоту. Я бы хотел погулять по осеннему лесу, у нас сейчас стоит восхитительная теплая осенняя погода - настоящее индейское лето!

Осень действительно прекрасный сезон для макрофотографии. Вы может быть не встретите много насекомых, но зато под каждым листом может прятаться гриб (даже в городе!), и даже если вы не найдете грибов - листья... желтые, багряные, оранжевые, коричневые, сухие, мокрые, сиротливо свисающие с веток, мокнущие в лужах, устилающие золотистым ковром дорожки в парке, кучами взлетающие в воздух в ладонях веселящейся публики - все это прекрасные сюжеты. Не забудем про ягоды, семена, плоды... Осень щедро снабжает нас своими дарами (и красивыми сюжетами для макро-фотографии!). Но, к сожалению, я был вынужден ограничить свою прогулку ближайшим двором. И вот посмотрите что я нашел.

100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!!!

 12 days ago 

Я видел много молодых дубков, но мне никогда не попадались побеги, торчащие из самих желудей. Теперь я буду более внимательным :)
Хорошая осенняя серия получилась.
А в лесу полно всяких грибов ... ;)

 12 days ago 

O! а мне попадаются довольно часто. Просто рядом со мной растет немало дубов, и они производят много желудей - статистика! большие числа рулят.

 11 days ago 

@jpegg. This article is now being scheduled for featuring on our WOX channel on Telegram,

Everyone is also invited to join ChatSteemBot on Telegram through this link: or scan the QR Code on the flyer below. Thanks.

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 11 days ago 

O! That is a nice surprise for me. Thank you.

 11 days ago (edited)

what was the camera model used.

 11 days ago 

I use Canon full frame DSLR. (But that does not matter - what is important, is the dedicated macro lens).

 11 days ago 

Clear, smooth, and the focus is awesome.

 11 days ago 

Дубы у нас не очень часты ))

 7 days ago 

Согласен с вами. Я тоже попробую поймать такой кадр.

 7 days ago 

🖐 😊 👌

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