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RE: DIGITALY #53 - Official Magazine of the ITALY Community / Rivista ufficiale della Community ITALY

in Italy12 days ago

I always love to join the contests of @italygame. I love the community where someone can freely write and have right to participate in contests despite of any demands. Itlaygame organize interesting Contests like food contests photography and many more
I have participated in the last week too.
I always love to write there. Previous week I wrote about friends and I was selected as a winner.
I would love to participate in these upcoming contests.

Congratulations to all winner 🤗 ❤️🏆


Did you take part in the AI picture creating contest? I will give it a try now. A good day to you.

Nope where is that?

I just wrote.. it's in the Italy Magazine. The prompt is: back to school.

You should generate a picture with that prompt and you write about what you searched for, the tool you used and some text.

Hereby my entry so you can look at what I did. Good luck to you it's not difficult. I added extra words because if not we all see the same picture.
It's fun and they do not really care about a story. You can write about how you generated the picture or share what you want.

Scroll down you find the CONTEST - CREA UN'IMMAGINE

🤖 📢 Il testo guida della settimana:

Per il concorso della settimana, il testo guida da seguire sarà il seguente:

Ritorno a scuola (<- this is the prompt)



Ohh thank you so much 😊☺️so kind of you.

Thank you for your participation in community activities, much appreciated!

Thankyou so much 😊