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RE: Power Up o no? - Meeting At The Dark Side : Power Up or Not? (IT/EN)

in Italy2 months ago

I wish this were just one of "creative writing" posts but I fear it is actual. Thank you for the heads-up. so sorry you are going through this. For all you do to help and encourage others this is very painful to see. I feel sick. There is always a reason for everything. Even if it is only that this is some sort of test of your strength and ability to overcome difficulties. Wishing you the best.


No need to feel sick my dear friend. My accounts been hacked in 2022 it was a struggle to get it back and yes I lost what I had back then. I only checked my wallet once per month because I didn't earn much.
My keys no longer worked. Still feel that stress if I think of it.

Yesterday I heard there's an attack on Steemit accounts since July 16th (2024) many are from Indonesia (at least they mention it) so they try to fix it.
It's a warning or a wakeup call to check the wallet.

You can look here as well If you see a red warning at the top they are powering you down and have your keys (unless you power down yourself).
If they hit that button it takes 3 days till the money is free to transfer.

It's unclear how they lay hands on the owner and master key. Hopefully not because if a Steemit leak/hack.

