Why does our brain seek to understand everything?

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The human brain has a specific configuration, this means that when we make an interpretation of our environment, when we analyze every experience, and every time every aspect of what we do in our life makes sense, it is because our brain works in harmony and based on its specific configuration to make us look for an explanation to everything we see around us.

It is very normal that from a very early age each of us experience manifestations of our brain to seek a clear explanation about the understanding of everything around us, this natural manifestation of wanting to seek an explanation to everything is what has allowed us to survive throughout the history of mankind.

However, this same search that allowed us to evolve as a species makes that more than a necessity, the fact that we try to look for an explanation to everything can help us to make everything an obstacle for our emotional and mental wellbeing.

We need to close cycles of understanding for our brain to stabilize, the bad thing is that there will always be something in our environment that generate unknowns that do not give time to find an answer while others arise, is the emotional control that can help us to close these cycles and allow new questions that could find coherent answers.