Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Advanced - Listing a token on CoinMarketCap and Centralised Exchange

in Project HOPE8 hours ago


Coimmarketcap Token Listing

Coinmarketcap is a reputable and reliable platform that has its own criteria before any cryptocurrency gets listed on the platform. Before any cryptocurrency is listed on coinmarketcap platform, it must meet at one of the listing criteria before it gets listed on the platform. Coinmarketcap support page provides all the needed information when it comes to listings on coinmarketcap.

On coinmarketcap, the listing criteria are categorized into different sections;

The online submission: This allows project owners to request for listing on coinmarketcap.

Tracked Listings: Before any cryptocurrency asset is considered for tracked listing on the coinmarketcap platform, it has to meet the requirements such as;

  • It has to operate on leveraged cryptography, consensus algorithms and/or smart contracts which functions as a medium of exchange, store of value or decentralized application.
  • There must be an available functional website and block explorer.
  • The cryptocurrency asset must be traded publicly, and also traded actively on a minimum of one exchange
  • The project must have a representative for communication between both parties and also for any clarifications purposes.

Listing tiers: The listing tiers on coinmarketcap is categorized into 4 different sections;

  • Inactive Listing: crypto assets on coinmarketcap with inactive listing are considered inactive due to the fact that there isn’t any market data from at least one exchange that is supported on coinmarketcap that can be tracked.

  • Unverified Listing: crypto assets on coinmarketcap with unverified listing are considered unverified due to the fact that the price data that show up are from oother processes that are not reviewed and verified by coinmarketcap.

  • Untracked Listing: crypto assets on coinmarketcap with untracked listing are considered untracked due to the fact that project did not meet the guidelines and criteria needed to ensure that the market data is tracked.

  • Tracked Listing: crypto assets with tracked listing have met all the needed requirements, guidelines and criteria for a tracked listing.

Evaluation Framework: The evaluation framework is basically the process taken by coinmarketcap to properly and carefully perform their evaluation based on their system and standards and also focus on a variety of factors before the listing is considered. Some of the factors considered are;

  • Market Pairs and Trading Volume
  • Community Interest and Engagement
  • Progress
  • Team
  • Product
  • Impact and Practicality
  • Uniqueness and Innovation
  • Project Longevity and Activity

House Rules: The house rules are basically rules, dos and don’ts that coinmarketcap adheres to and also must be strictly followed during the application/listing process.

Listing on OKEX

The Okex exchange is ranked as one of the top crypto exchanges by volume and also considered as one of the best exchange in terms of features, security and crypto asset listing. Before a crypto asset is listed on the okex exchange, there are criteria and requirements that must be met before being considered for listing on Okex. The listing requirements on Okex can be found on the support page. Before a crypto asset is considered for listing on Okex, an application needs to be submitted with some required documents. Once the listing requirements and criteria are all met, the Okex team would get in touch with the project to begin the listing process. Some of the Okex requirements are;

  • Application must be submitted
  • A detailed information about the project and the crypto asset must be submitted
  • The project must have a whitepaper and the whitepaper of the project has to be submitted during the application phase.
  • The project must have a letter of legal advice that must be submitted during the listing application.
  • The project must have a social media account(s) and also contact mediums such as telephone and email that must be submitted during the listing application.

When it comes to cryptocurrency, investment is one of the main activities that is carried out. The term investment is basically the act of putting in a set capital into a particular asset(s) with the sole aim of making profit. At the moment, there are a lot of investment tools that offers a lot of benefits in helping investors make the right investment decisions. As far cryptocurrency investment is concerned, it is important for investors to have a clear understanding of the different ICO stages such as private sales, presales and public sales so as to make the right investment decisions.
