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RE: Bozzlife: Cutting the Cord

in OCD5 years ago

British TV is a little different to what you have had. I grew up with 3 channels that expanded to 5 by the time digital transmissions became available. We had digital cable for a while, but decided that the free terrestrial channels had enough for us. Our Internet costs a little more than yours. In the last couple of years we added Netflix. I've resisted paying for more subscriptions. There are lots of options now and you wonder how the ISPs cope with the bandwidth. I find enough to watch.

It seems the big earner for cable and satellite companies is sport and we are not that bothered about that.


Yeah, sports is a big one for me. I don't watch a ton, but when I want to watch some games I need to be able to get them. I am looking forward to this change even though I am a bit nervous about it.

My other half is more into sport than me. I would hope that major events like Wimbledon and the Olympics are always free to view. The issue is that some events want lots of money for TV rights. It's going to get interesting if more are held without spectators during this virus scare.