My name is Atubuga Daniel from Ghana a Country in west Africa. I am a 27 year old young enthusiastic young nurse and currently taking courses related to health care delivery in my country.i am currently working as a nurse in a hospital In my hometown. I am a person who is always ready to impact positively on people around me. I’m a socially active person that believes in the power of networking with others so I have a lot of friends. At any stage of my educational journey I made a lot of friends and maintained old friends. I love to support my family and friends make progress in any way no matter how little it appears. ![IMG_9041.jpeg]()

I’m a young man with a lot of interest. I love to read and learn new things. Growing up this habit earned me the name bookworm a name given to people who are always with their books. I was thought that knowledge is power whilst growing up so this made me very eager to gain knowledge within every means possible. This also made me academically very good amongst my peers and hence they started calling the professor. So I love to read



One may assume that with my addiction to books I wouldn’t make room for other activities but that isn’t the case because I also believe in the saying that ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ so I also plat football. I play football very well. I play as a center back. Apart from playing I watch a lot of football and always seen engaging in football arguments with peers. My favorite team is Arsenal and my Greatest Player of all time is Lionel Messi.

I also love to teach. I always find myself explaining lessons to my colleagues after after lectures and I think that helps me in understanding better. I guess I have to consider career in teaching as well.

I was told by a friend at work about how great steemit is and I personally explored the blockchain on my own and I can say it is a wonderful platform with very good opportunities for people reach to learn. I hope to bring a lot on board. I hope to learn and also share my knowledge with colleagues on this platform. I will be making post on health related issues eg: prevention of certain diseases and first aid. I also will be making posts on my favorite sport which is football. Looking for making new friends on this platform.

Thanks to @akuoli @the-gorilla and @jbn for the guidance on preparing this introductory post.

 20 hours ago 

Bienvenido amigo @atubiga9 a nuestra plataforma.
Es maravilloso que hayas decidido acompañaros. Te felicito por tu presentación. Al leerla he podido observar que eres un gran lector, estudiante y maestro. Me alegra que vengan a nuestra plataforma personas que le agrade leer, porque en nuestro espacio es importante leer y sobre todo mantenerse informada en la cuenta @steemitblog. De hecho cada semana tiene actualizaciones muy importantes. Te sugiero estés atento.

Mencionas que compartirás temas de salud y deportes, espero leer algunas de ellas. Las comunidades de salud y deportes será un buen lugar para publicar y lograr tu objetivo.

Si te gusta escribir te invito a usar la etiqueta #wewrite de seguro aprenderás mucho en este lugar. ¿Qué tal contar una historia sobre tu trabajo como enfermero? O ¿Tus días de entrenamiento en el fútbol? Nos agradará leerte.

Nuevamente, bienvenido.

Espero las palabras de mi amigo @yancar

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