Keeping a Cat Can Relieve Stress

in Photography5 days ago


Keeping pets has many benefits. Not only to train yourself to be more responsible, but pets can also relieve stress levels.

One of the most widely kept animals by Indonesian people is cats.


However, not everyone can interact with cats, because they have allergic reactions. Well, that's it, what are the signs, and how to handle them. I have summarized more in my information below.

In addition to being fun, playing with cats, cats also relieve stress levels. However, not all human immune systems can be immune to this beautiful furry animal.


With its millions of behaviors and behaviors, it is no wonder that many people fall in love with this animal with the scientific name Felis Catus. Not just ordinary animals, cats have another advantage, a calming effect.


A company in Banda Aceh, conducted a study using several kittens as a medium for relieving stress for the community. In a transparent box, people are given directions via audio, before being allowed to play with kittens that come out from behind the wall. This method is considered effective in relieving stress. Fans come from various backgrounds and ages.

Seeing this opportunity, the concept of cafes or eating places that involve furry animals has flourished. Of course, cat lovers welcome this. Referring to the price that is not cheap, cats become a symbol of a person's prosperity, becoming a choice as a pet.



Cats are classified as clean animals. The cat is able to groom itself by licking itself with frequent intensity. Salifa, aka their saliva is able to clean fur. However, be careful, their saliva actually triggers allergies in humans. Yes, allergies or hypersensitivity, is a condition where people are more sensitive to exposure to allergies from outside. In the case of cat allergies, the allergy can be in the form of fur, or cat hair. Cat fur blown by the wind, may contain proteins that can trigger allergies. For people who have hypersensitivity, their bodies will react due to a compromised immune system such as coughing, itching, and shortness of breath.

"In this hair, there can be a lot of collagen, such as choline, and also fungal spores that can stick directly or indirectly to the animal's hair, in this case cats. Apart from the hair, it can also come from their saliva or urine".

Maintaining the cleanliness of your pet is an important point to avoid allergies. Pay attention to the cleanliness of their nails, fur, and ears regularly. Allergies to pets appear without warning. Symptoms will appear if the body is exposed to foreign objects. But don't panic when an allergy attack from pets strikes. The anticipation is to increase your immune system.

"Well, we increase our immunity by, for example, consuming foods that are high in protein. Or foods containing vitamin C supplements, where vitamins can increase our immunity, right".

If allergies are at a worrying stage, it's a good idea to stop keeping animals that trigger allergies. Then release the animals wisely, don't just abandon them. Wisely, protect their rights by handing over your pets to an animal shelter. Or inform them via social media for the animal adoption process.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam


Thanks you very much🙂