The super soldier for 2050.

in Popular STEM10 days ago

You would like to be a super soldier.

Being better is a dream that has followed us since the origin of humanity, we have always dreamed of being stronger, faster, immune to wounds and diseases, being wiser and living longer in a healthy way, like an elf, being An elf has its advantages, it would be the superior human version, I am referring to the idea of ​​the elf as a healthy being that can live practically unlimitedly, more agile, stronger, with much better vision like Legolas, those improvements that are always has dreamed of and with which we are close to achieving them, at least some.

In short, it is the dream of being better mentally and physically, although there is also the dream of the rulers of all eras and all dictatorships and all empires and all regimes who have dreamed of having super soldiers in their charge, in the In ancient times, the tallest and strongest warriors were selected and educated in the art of war and equipped with the best weapons of the time, for example, the Spartans.

Nowadays the superpowers also dream of having super soldiers, unfortunately we do not have much information about what is happening in China or Russia, obviously they must be following lines of research similar to those we know or exist in the United States, where we have more information , various reports have been published there for years, an example is in DARPA.


It can be achieved with effort, with physical preparation, with skill, with teaching because simply learning to run fast has its tactics, it is always good to have a teacher who teaches you the tactics to be able to get better and further, in everything; This DARPA report is one of the many that are being published by Darpa, Darpa is with the entity in the United States for the development of military technology, from Darpa the Internet emerged for example and a lot of things emerged that later passed to the civilian world and the We are enjoying the internet like this.

In this case surely some of the things that are being developed will end up passing to the civilian world; There is a quite surprising report, it is not this one in particular, it is a different one called Cyborg Soldier 2050: Man/machine fusion and the implications for the future of the DOD. The title is a title, a little long but it is quite descriptive, in fact This report analyzes current technologies and those that are being developed to have military applications by the year 2050.


It would really create super soldiers and focuses on four skills in the United States, they believe that four skills must be developed between now and 2050, the first would be ocular improvements, the soldier of the future could have contact lenses capable of offering night vision, augmented reality to view plans or data and zoom instead of having binoculars, these soldiers would have a zoom in their contact lenses to be able to see what is happening in the distance or to focus on details or to see microscopic things, what we would do with binoculars or a microscope They could do it with just their contact lenses.

The second point restoration and muscle control, in this case the technology would be applied to the suit or armor worn by the soldier, which in addition to providing defense and new armor could also repair tired muscles and even increase their strength through prostheses, something necessary when you have to carry out missions that require great physical effort or engage in hand-to-hand combat, there are truly amazing details.

They are studying things like, for example, sound, how sound affects muscle recovery and this has been inspired by cats, the murmur that cats make, many biologists believe that it is related to a type of internal relaxation so that the cat can improve its health, it is a kind of relaxation, there is a lot of data that is being developed around these suits for muscle recovery in case of blows or minor wounds, Obviously, if there is a serious wound, it would require urgent medical treatment, but the idea is that a soldier in combat who may receive blows, whose muscles are tired from the stress of combat, from carrying equipment, from moving around, could have a kind of muscle relaxation suit that would allow him to recover, and this is being developed right now.

The third point of these four, would be hearing improvements, in combat the noise is brutal, explosions, gunfire, collapses, it is very difficult to hear your teammates or the orders of whoever is in command and even worse the noise of explosions can leave you deaf, literally, either temporarily or even forever, so the report Cyborg Soldier 2050, proposes to create headphones that can be embedded in the ear to protect it from noise and to pick up messages from colleagues and the command of the mission.

Fourth point and perhaps the most amazing, telepathy, yes, just as telepathy or direct brain-to-brain and also brain-to-machine communication sounds, what is intended in this case is that each soldier is connected via brain and wireless to his team, in In theory, this would allow soldiers to share encrypted information instantly, without the use of communication devices, and in this specific case, depending on the advances in brain connectivity, you could be speaking not only with sounds, but you could also be receiving images.

You could receive images not only in your mind, but also for example in the previously mentioned contact lenses, it could seem like a plan that you need of a building where you have to enter, they can give it to you in seconds or you need a plan to be able to escape from a zone of combat that is turning into hell, they can also make it easier for you immediately.

And of course these four points are currently being developed, we do not know exactly what level it is, because it is obviously military technology, but they are objectives that have to be available by 2050 and of course if the United States army is developing this technology , it is certain that great powers like Russia and of course China will also be developing very similar or perhaps superior things, so we are in an arms race to create Cyborg soldiers.



The images without reference were created with AI Le immagini senza riferimento sono state create con l'intelligenza artificiale
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