Scientific curiosity; the future of evolution.

in Popular STEM7 days ago

Scientific curiosity; the future of evolution.

Humans in the future will evolve, but that human evolution will be forced, this time through technology and nanotechnology that will affect us all, in many ways, it will not only be a military issue, nor a question of elites, that they will become almost demigods, it could be; But all humans will also be able to enjoy or suffer from it, because sooner or later this technology will reach us all.

This technology affects many fields, not only in the improved capabilities of the human being, but also in health issues, our own survival against cancer or diseases or the repair of organs and any other health problem.

Advances in the improvement of humans through nanotechnology will cover many fields following lines that converge, nanoengineering improve our qualities and abilities, while scientists are also opening up the possibility of enhancing abilities such as regeneration or making our skin become invisible through chemicals and also through alteration in DNA.

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